His Previous Past

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Ace and His team back at their dorm room after the dock incident, they have many questionable to ask how 2 figures knowing Ace. Ace was sat on chair while they surrounded him as Ace was crossed his arms

Ruby: "Ace, Who are those people and how do they know you?"

Weiss: "And what are they talking about nonsense like game and stuff?"

Ace: "If you girls are my friends, would you guys trust me?"

Yang: "Ace, we're team. I would trusting you after you showing us different forms you used and it's pretty awesome."

Blake: "Of course we are, could you telling us about them what are they talking about?"

Ace: "Then do you all believe those words of mine."

They look at each other with concern looks they then nodded at each other and they look at him back

Ruby: "We do."

Weiss: "If your lying about us, you won't regret it." she said as she narrowing her eyes and she tried to trust him

Blake: "So about them, who are they? And what are those green monster are."

Yang: "And what are they talking about? Audience, Game... that make no sense at all."

The room was silent as he close his eyes as he make "hmm" noise as he was thinking in his mind and there's lot of going on there.

Ace: "You girls deserve to know about between me and them. The truth is... I was reincarnated into this world" He said it before he open his eyes

The girls was full of shocked and disbelief hearing this that he was reincarnated into remnant

Weiss: "No way... you're lying right?"

Blake: "No... he doesn't look like lying about us... he's telling the truth."

Yang: "Huh? How could you be so sure if he's lying or not?" She look at her with her questionable mark

Blake: "He's type of person who would lying about it. But this time is different and i felt... different vibes somehow."

Ace: "For starter, i didn't belong here but rather my first time came here, my previous life was different where i came from planet called earth."

Ruby: "Now you mentioned it... what was earth look like i was curious."

Ace: "To putting this simply, it basically like this world, Remnant but the earth has 195 countries instead of what we known off. I live in Tokyo, Japan. A place similar or also known as Mistral. But my earth planet has no grimm, no dust, no faunus, no aura and Semblance, and no Huntsmen and Huntresses"

The girls are awe about the earth yet still shocking about no aura or dust, etc... it was not like their world

Blake: "So you're saying that... Earth where you could live normally peace?"

Ace: "Yeah, but there's are like war, politics, and other stuff etc going on, and you could do normal job like salary, maid, teacher, etc."

Yang: "Well that's boring. Since we don't much of fighting, what does earth do for us?"

Ace: "Well there's Boxing if your interested."

Yang: "Now we're talking!"

RWB_: "Damn, Meathead..." The girls thought themselves as they sigh and facepalm

Ace: "Anyway, to put this simple, if you guys were in my world, you girls gonna learn about history, biology, and others that is not about grimm or any like Remnant does. But these is one."

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