First Day of Beacon Academy

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Ace has been reincarnation like usual he does but he wasn't in his world that he know off, but a different world known as Remnant. Has monsters, dust, power abilities, and seem to be futuristic but rather more normal world. To surprise himself, he able awakening his semblance and become kamen rider as he able to fighting the horde of grimm by himself. But... This is just the beginning.

At the Team Ceremony.

Ozpin: "Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark." the screen of the auditorium shows each of their profiles as the boys are lined up for the applauding audience to see as Ozpin continues "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!"

The audience gives one more wave of ovation, while four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ace: "I see, so that's how I'll get into the team whatever I'm leader or not. Too bad that i don't have a partner but this is fine." He cross his arms as he smile while he looking at 4 students get announced for each of students.

Ozpin: "Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR."

Amid the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

Ozpin: "Led by... Jaune Arc!"

Jaune: "Huh? L-Led by...?"

Ozpin: "Congratulations, young man."

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but her "fine leader" is knocked over and falls to his butt in front of the laughing audience.

Ace: "Leader ay? I don't wanna know if he doing the same path as him... but still" He concerns a bit about Jaune but lets hope that he won't do same path as Tycoon.

Ozpin: "And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long." Motions over the four as they stand before him "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!"

Weiss looks to her right surprised, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang goes over to hug her sister.

Yang: "I'm so proud of you!"

Ozpin: "Now before this ceremony ends, May I have Ace L/N come up to the stage?"

Ace raise his eyebrown of his questioning mark, he walks up to the stage, the audience is dead silent as they watch Ace walk up the stairs to the stage.

Ozpin: "Ace, durning his initiation was the only one to get the White Knight Piece but later he giving to Team RWBY, and he never ran into another student to be his partner..."

His smiles turn into frown as he knew would eventually happen before he put both his hands into hoodie's pocket

Ozpin: "Now normally, we would have the person go into another team to improvise, but with Ace's own skilled and experienced..."

Ozpin hits a button on his remote, showing the video footage of Ace became kamen rider and make quick yet skilled to taking down the Horde of Beowolves, even he showing changing different form (except revolve on clip) and take down the floating grimm by one kick of his finisher. They audience is whispering as Ace's battle skill is being shown.

Ruby: "Oh my gosh!! That is so cool! It's like i watching super hero fighting the evil!" She has stars in her eyes as she watching the screen

Jaune and Nora: "Awesome!!" Also has stars in their eyes as well

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