Let's Beat it

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(A/N: Aight the vote has ended and i have been decided, Entry to!

Jaune as Kamen Rider Buffa

Ren as Kamen Rider Tycoon (1 vote)

Nora as Kamen Rider Seeker

Ruby as Kamen Rider Habuki

Yup that's all of them for now. Enjoy reading. And i putting explaining thing about why i added them as rider from end of this chapter)

Jaune has been Standing up himself as he provided to himself as a Leader all thanks to Ace Convinced Him. However will Ace Awakening his full potential Semblance? We'll see what happen.

The next day After School Vacation, The scene show in amphitheater and Ace is battle against Team CRDL. short story, they wanted to challenge him but ace don't mind at all. Team CRDL fully prepare as well as Ace has belt on it but they're laughing at him

Cardin: "What's that? Your weapon is a belt? How funny" He mocking Ace

Sky: "Hey Ms. Goodwitch, he don't bring any weapon to fight us, should just give us win first?"

Glynda: "Unfortunately i can't. From what i seeing Mr. L/N has potential skilled since he don't need his actual weapon. He simply can handle it after i seeing him fighting"

Ace: "Thank you Professor Goodwitch, I'll go easy on them. For now."

Dove: "Hey! Don't expect to go easy on us!"

Ace: "Heh, try me."

He pulled out a small pink and blue raise Buckle as he insert the right slot for pink buckle while he insert the left slot for blue buckle. He make his fox gesture to point at them before snap his finger


Ace: "Henshin."

Ace press down the pink buckle while he press the blue buckle. Then his appearance change into Geats Entry as Armor straps on his chest and left thigh.

"Dual On! Armed Hammer! Armed Shield! Ready? Fight!"

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"Dual On! Armed Hammer! Armed Shield! Ready? Fight!"

Geats: "Saa, Hightlight da."

Cardin: "Playing Dress-Up Now?! Huh, You're weak without those armors you used especially that weapon you holding as well!"

Geats: "Heh, why don't you find out if I'm strong or not."

Cardin grown and charge at geats before swing his mace down but Geats blocking his attack by the shield then he deflect his weapon away as he swing his hammer to smack his stomach and throw him away like sent him flying to his team. Dove and Sky use their weapon aim at geats as they began to shooting him but geats ran toward to his team when he blocking their shots before he jump then knee kick to dove and spin kick sky away.

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