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I breathed heavily as I leaned on a wall, ignoring the engraved diamonds pushing against my back.

I woke up several hours ago cause of nightmares just to find myself in a strange place, surrounded by mortals in black attire similar to those of Assassin's Creed. Of course the first thing I did was to beat my way out. But I failed to consider the number of people around me, thus I tired myself out too soon.

"Miss Persia" a woman crooned. I raised my head to see a woman with tanned skin, long dark hair and Jade green eyes. She had a rather curvaceous figure that was highlighted by her skintight and revealing suit.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I asked with narrowed eyes

"I come in peace young demigod" she said, raising both hands in surrender "I only wish to speak with you"

I was skeptical of her, she didn't seem trustworthy. How does she know I'm a demigod? Is she another enemy of the gods? I highly doubt it... But still, it doesn't hurt to be careful.

"About what exactly?" I asked

"Your marriage to my son, the demon head" I stared at her as if she was crazy

"Are you fucking messing with me right now?!" I laughed at the incredulity, "Who the fuck do you think you are?! And I'm too young to be getting married!"

She sighed and motioned for me to follow her down a dark hall. I hesitated, obviously, but she rolled her eyes and pulled me after her. She shoved me into a huge room with an extreme gothic theme, then made her way to a plush red sofa "Sit" I did so and glared at her "I am Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, and the temporary head of the League of Assassins" I stared at her blankly "My son, as the heir and future head needs a suitable bride-"

"Yeah yeah" I interrupted"And you decided you wanted me" I rolled my eyes "Listen Talia, I don't think your son would approve of this. This is the 21st century babe! No one does arranged marriages anymore" I stood "Now tell me how to leave this place before I flood it an kill everyone here"

She grinned at my threat and stood, bending to whisper in my ear "Just so you know Miss Jackson, your mother and sister are presently in my custody-" I froze "-if you want no harm to fall upon them, mind your manners and follow my orders" damn bitch

I grit my teeth and glared at her "If I agree to marry your son you'll let them go?"

"But of course" she smiled "and mind you, you're not getting married immediately, just betrothed" she clapped her hands and a dozen women decked in black burst through the doors, each holding a black box "In the meantime, get dressed, the ceremony holds in half an hour" then she stalked off. I glared at the stoic faced women and submitted reluctantly, allowing them to do whatever they wanted with my body.

I wonder what's happening with the others...

Betrothed: A PJO X DC fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora