"Me or her."

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-hey guys sorry for not uploading in a while I haven't gotten the motivation but now I decided to upload every Tuesday and Friday's ❤️ but anyway let's get straight into it-
                      Naruto's pov:

I looked at Sasuke to see him laughing then gave him the look to stop laughing and he lied by saying "he was laughing at something else." Rebecca then looked at me with her black doe eyes and said" well I was just asking a question because Someone here thinks I'm dumb." She said looking down and back at me slowly while pouting then looked at SASUKE?! No she wasn't trying to say that Sasuke called her dumb was she? I looked at Sasuke to seem him rolling his eyes and smirking while still looking at his phone as if he heard her. I couldn't take the quiet tension so I pulled Sasuke aside and decided to have a little chat outside the hall.

"Sasuke did you call Rebecca dumb!?"
I said looking at him with counfused but also shocked eyes while raising my eyebrows for an answer.

"Well.. I wouldn't say I called her dumb...just a bit stupid." Sasuke said hesitantly while looking at me slowly and squinting one of his eyes. " Sasuke honey.. stupid and dumb are literally the exact same thing." I said slightly smiling while trying to keep my calm that's when Sasuke just burst." Omg Naruto I can't take this anymore she fucking likes you and your to fucking blind to notice it!" I was in shock I knew he was trying to keep his calm because he definitely would yelled way louder but since we were out in the open he just raised his voice a little but still being a bit a loud. " What do you mean she doesn't like me I'm her tutorer what are you jealous?.." I said looking at him straight in eyes waiting for a answer until.. he stayed quiet and broke eye contact.

Omg he WAS jealous! I couldn't help but laugh he was so cute when he was mad." Naruto I'm being for real do you see the way she treats you!" I calmed myself down and rolled my eyes "Sasuke she's just a girl nothing more to me I love you." I said hopefully making sure he would ez up and just let it go but..Boy was I wrong about. that.

"Fine if you love me then let stop tutoring her." He said harshly and sternly while looking at me breaking no eye contact. "W-what Sasuke what are you talking about I can't just stop teaching her she needs me" I said . "And so do I!" He said pointing at his chest while getting a bit louder every sentence. "I know babe but in the way that she needs me please get that and don't mess this up for me!" I said accidentally raising my voice but before I realized it sasuke eyes started to get glossy and he rubbed his eyes fast making sure I didn't see him about to cry I guess and-

" Me or her."
"W-what Sasuke don't do this you know I need this job since I'm on a 1 week break for my other one we need all the money we can get, sure we're doing well but still who know's how long that money is going to last!"

"ME OR HER"  I stayed silent not knowing what to do I obviously loved Sasuke but I really needed this even if I was doing financially really good I needed to keep that up and plus I hate being on my ass and not doing anything it makes me feel like a loser and a bum.

"....sasuke I really need this job."
"..ok so her it is then, I guess I'll call a cab and we can call this relationship fucking over if you want to be with that whøre so bad!!" Sasuke said as I watched him leave the building before I could even explain myself.. great now I have to walk back In the room and act like everything is fine and boyfriend didn't just break up with me in the college hallway.

I had to stay strong for me and for Rebecca I couldn't just go in there and start venting and crying,No I swore to myself that I would never cry unless someone dies..but those word..keep playing in my fucking head over and over a again

"Me or her.."
Hello guys I hope you enjoyed that ❤️ and next story I have a idea but I'm not sure which pov I should do😅 so yea cya guys Friday

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