Chapter 16

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B- Anirudh, could u go and bring some drinks?

A- I will ask Bihari. Bi... he was interrupted by Bondita. 

B- Offo... why do u have to call Bhari Babu every time, do it yourself. Take Sid with you if you want.

S- Why should I go with him? He frowned.

A- Exactly. He said glaring at Sid.

S- I don't want to help him. He said glaring at Anirudh.

A- As if I'm dying for your help. He argued back.

K- Guys, stop it. Sid, say sorry. He is elder than you.

S- No way. 

Karan glared at him. Sid gulped seeing his brother angry.

S- Sorry. He looked at Anirudh.

B- Ok guys. I will go and get it. Karanji, could you please help me. She asked.

Anirudh stood up and spoke.

A- I will help you Bondita.

B- No. You sit here with Sid. I don't want to hear you both argue. Get that. She said putting he hands on her hips.

A- Ok. He sat down.

B- Karanji, let's go.

K- Ok. Sid don't fight. Got it?

S- Hmm

Karan and Bondita then went down.

Bondita took the glasses and poured some lemon juice. 

B- Karanji, I... She hesitated.

K- What happened Bondita? Everything alright? Don't hesitate to tell me anything.

B- I like to thank you for being there for me during my hard times. You used to call me when I was in London. I always felt good talking to you. 

K- Don't say that Bondita. I lo... I mean I am your friend right. It's nothing to thank about.

B- No. That's not true. You were there for me when I needed someone the most. I feel happy with you. She said in a sincere tone. 

Karan looked at her. He went near her.

K- Bondita, I want to tell you something important.

B- Wh... what is it?

K- I LOVE YOU. I really do. I fell in love with you when I saw you for the first time. I was happy when you asked me to be your friend. 

Bondita looked at him shocked. Her heart beats so fast. 

K- Bondita, I know this is shocking. But that's how I feel. Don't pressurize yourself. You can think about it. Ev... even if you reject me, it... it's alright. That won't change our friendship. He said with a fake smile. 

Bondita looked at him silently. She knew in her heart that she also loves him. But will it be okay. Can she move on from Anirudh. Maybe. But it will change the entire plot. Not that change didn't happen. Can she take the risk. She thought.

Karan seeing Bondita being silent felt sad and started to walk away when he felt a tug on his shirt. He saw Bondita grabbing him. 

B- Karanji, I don't know what to do. I went through heart break as well as a failed marriage. I am a divorcee.

K- Bondita, it is not your fault that you are a divorcee. Anirudh didn't value you like he should have. I am proud that you stood for yourself against the norms. You are a strong woman. Never demean yourself. I love you and will love you forever. 

Bondita cried hearing his heartfelt confession. What Karan said is true. Anirudh didn't value her. He didn't believe her before. He believed everyone else but not her. He believed Saudamini's lies. She bore the brunt. He believed Brijaswi. Again, she bore the brunt. If there was dushmani track, he again would believe everyone else but her. Why should she always be the one to make sacrifices. She decided. 

B- I LOVE YOU TOO KARANJI. Saying this she went near him.

K- I... wait. What did you say? 

B- I love you. She smiled at him looking at his shocked expression.

K- You are not joking, right?

Bondita hugged him.

B- Will you believe me now?

Karan became so happy and hugged her back. He then broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

K- Thank you Bondita. 

Bondita smiled at him.

Two people saw this and were shocked. 

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