Chapter 4

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B- Like that I took your sign.

Anirudh couldn't believe his ears. He is no more Bondita's husband. 

(le me- he is now calling himself as her husband when he always says she is just a responsibility to him)

 A- you took my sign without me knowing. You deceived me Bondita. How could you?

B- I deceived you. You are the one who deceived me. Even after doing all my responsibilities towards u, what u did? Married Manorama by deceiving me. So, I also did what u did. Took your sign by deceiving. Tit for Tat.

Every guest was whispering. 

Woman 1- How could she divorce her husband like that?

Woman 2- I know right. There is definitely some fault in Bondita malkin, that's why Barrister babu married a second time.

Woman 3- You may be right. Maybe she is a banjh.

Bondita heard their whispering and went near them. 

B- so kaki, you are saying it's my fault that Barrister babu married again?

Woman 1- Yes. You couldn't give him a child. That's probably why he married again.

Woman 2- She's right. I guess you are a banjh that is why he did what he did.

Everyone shook their head in acceptance. Kaka and the others except Sampoorna were getting angry. Kaka was going to shout but Bondita starts speaking.

B- OH really. Then I will ask something to u. You are married to your husband, right?

Woman 1 was confused but answered yes.

B- You have 2 sons, right?

Woman again said yes.

B- Then why did your husband marry a second time? Couldn't u keep your husband happy that he had gone and married again?

The woman was astounded. She couldn't answer. Bondita then asked the same to woman 2. None of them could answer.

B- If you can't keep answer my questions, just do what u all came to do. You all are guest. All you have come to see the couple and give them blessing. That's it. So do that and go from here. She said in a cold tone sending everyone chills down their spine.

Everyone gave blessing and then went away. After all the guests left the haveli, Bondita looked at Anirudh who was shocked at the turn of events.

Sampoorna got an idea and asked.

S- Bondita you can pack your bags.

B- Why should I pack my bags?

S- Since you have divorced Anirudh, you don't have any relation with us. So, with what right you are going to stay.

Kaka- As my daughter. Bondita will stay here as my daughter Sampoorna Bahu.

S- But what will people think?

B- fine. Sampoorna, you are asking with what right I'm going to stay right. I will tell you. I will stay here as the Malkin of the haveli.

Sampoorna was shocked but asked.

S- What do u mean by Malkin?

Kaka- I have named all my properties to Bondita. So, she is the Malkin.

S- WHAT! BUT how...when.

Everyone was shocked. Sampoorna felt as if her soul is gone out of her body.

A- But how?

B- Well I knew this would happen. I went to kaka and told him about the divorce. He was sad but then I explained to him.

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