Samuel- fine every night

Yana- so when did you start doing these robberies and kidnapping's

Samuel- it has been 2-3 years maybe

Yana- woooh that's cool . Then why didn't police 👮‍♀️ caught you

Samuel- I have escaped from them

Yana- how many times

Samuel- 1-2 times (Yana raised her eyebrows) okay 1234 times

Hitesh - (takes out dairy) ahh sir you missed today's . So adding today it will be 1237 times

Samuel- did I ask for your clarification . Give me the paper 📄(handing the paper to Yana) so you need to tell these lines on camera ok. HEY START RECORDING!!!

Yana- untie me

Hitesh came and removed all the ropes which were tied to her. She looked at the paper then at the camera and started reading 📖

Yana- hey 👋 mom I have been kidnapped. I am very scared please get me out of here, but for that you need to bring 50 million won at xxx place for my safe return- WAIT! What only 50 million (she tore the paper ) what do you think mister am I only worth of 50 million won. Well do I have to remind you that mom is the most famous and richest woman in this country. I ain't saying this just for 50 million

Samuel- (in disbelief) so I will make some changes how about 1 billion won

Yana- wow only 1 billion !!!

Hitesh- aa sir and mam not yours and not hers I think we can make it to 5 billion won

Yana- that's not worth of me but still better than 50 million won okay . Start the recording (while clapping 👏)

Samuel- today I will be the richest person . This is my best kidnapping ever

Yana- I know right you don't have to say to again

Samuel- I said it for 1st time

Yana- your face said it all

After the so called speech of Yana . The video was forwarded to Yana's mom but do you think she cares, I mean she is her mother but she have got used to it. Yes it's not the first time of Yana being kidnapped she lied!

After 2 hours

Samuel- has she got to know that her daughter is with me . Why isn't she answering

Yana- ahh mister kidnapper have a seat. I don't think mom will come to rescue me as this has happened 10 times before

Samuel- ( sat beside her) what that means you have been kidnapped before you liar

Yana- yes I lied but it was fun . Do you have anything to play as I am getting bored aren't you Hitesh?

Author- someone please remind her that she has been kidnapped

Here Yana , Samuel, Hitesh are playing cards . Yes what you expect from this girl . All the guys were laughing their ass off after hearing her bullshit . Like this 1 hour passed somewhere Samuel got a hint that Yana's mom will not come to rescue her so he offered her to drop her to her house 🏡 I mean mansion.

(This kind of kidnapping just exists in parallel universe)

Samuel dropped her at her house. Yana offered to stay with her and her mom for some time . Even After many disapproval she was stubborn. He and Yana enjoyed their night with her mom . Well he needed to do 50 sit up for her mom just because he kidnapped her .

Yana and Samuel met many times after that incident and became really close but due to some reason Samuel went to busan leaving Yana without informing

At present:

Samuel- you are my lucky charm

Yana- ooo stop now

Samuel- no really after that thing I have never did anything wrong. You can say I left all those sinful things

Jin- can't believe that you were not scared of kidnapping . I mean they could harm you

Yana- I know oppa that they could harm me , but my kidnappers were the greatest , dumbest assholes ever like who follow the orders of 13 year old

Namjoon- language!!

Yana- you have bear it

Jin- Yana-

Yana- fine . Okay guys I need to complete my homework 📚 I will get going then byee

BTS crackhead sister (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora