Chapter 16: Kaede (Lemon)

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Eddie: "Project Diclonius? What's that?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Eddie, it's gotta be a long story so..I can explain the whole things for what you want to heard what I says." He said to Eddie and heard Eddie says sure and then (Y/N) was explaining to Eddie about what happened here in the Kamakura town and there was lot of explanation from (Y/N) and he told all everything for what Eddie gonna heard. Then it's like 2 hours that (Y/N) was done with talking and make Eddie was thinking and he said.

Eddie: "I what are you going to do right now?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I need to know what the Project Diclonius was....and I'm going to take that place down so I am gonna exterminate every last single motherfuckers in that company." He said to Eddie and make him sigh out and he said.

Eddie: "Alright, I'll look up into it right away." He said to (Y/N) and make him nod his head and he smile at Eddie and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, thanks man...I appreciate it." He said to him and then he was got up from the chair and make him was stretch his back and leg and also hands too and then he was walking to his bike right away and he need to going back home. But before he tries to reach to his bike right away and he heard a voice.

Kurama: "Mr. (L/N)?" He asked him and make (Y/N) turn around to look and saw there was a tall thin man with glasses came up here and (Y/N) know him...that is Kurama the one who was in graveyard that (Y/N) just fight.

(Y/N): "Who the hell are you?" He asked him.

Kurama: "It's secret to tell you...but you need to come with me." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Whatever you want from me but...I'm not gonna going with you and I have a lot of work to do. So piss off motherfucker." He said to him and he was leaving but then he was grab (Y/N)'s elbow and stop him.

Kurama: "I don't want to hurt you...but look around there is some securities are around you." He said to (Y/N) and make him turn his head to look at there were some men in black business suit and must be securities...there were 6 of them and they have their pistols were hiding.

(Y/N): "So people not gonna see this?" He asked him.

Kurama: "no they don't...there is the car right there the black one just go ahead take a seat." He said to (Y/N) and make him was walking toward to the car right away and then (Y/N) was heading to the black car right away and he know Kurama was right behind him. But before he was gonna walk there and he turn to punch Kurama across in the face and knock him down on the ground and then (Y/N) got his tentacle shot out from his back. It was stuck to the corner of the building and then he was fly up and make him landing down on the rooftop's building.

When (Y/N) was stood right there and he was walk away slowly and waiting  for him gonna say something.

Kurama: "Find him now! Don't let him escape!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them both nod their heads and then they both were heading out right away and then (Y/N) was moving away from here. When he was jumped up high and land on the rooftop's another building and make him was going downstairs right away and before he was gonna walk away and he saw there is two securities and he know the two of them....Leslie and Bando...that they both are here for (Y/N) (L/N).

Leslie: "There he is...." She said and then the two of them got their guns out and prepare to shoot and (Y/N) was about to run away from here and he was going to run and gunshot shot down on the ground and make (Y/N) turn to look and see Leslie and Bando got their pistols aiming at them.

Leslie: "Freeze! Put your hands up in the air now!" She said.

Bando: "Do it for what she say! Or we'll shoot you down!" He said to (Y/N) and then he was stood right there and waiting for what happened next is...(Y/N) use his arms as tendrils and he was push the two of them and sent them both to the ground and make them both surprise for what they saw and they turn  to look at (Y/N) and he was transform into Carnage right away.

Elfen Lied: The Diclonius & The Symbiote (Harem X Male Carnage Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن