15. Dress Ruined, Thanks!

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I feel a freezing cold drink flow through my dress. I look down and see the dark liquid covering my dress.

Julia is standing infront of me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." She says smiling.
"What the fuck?" I yell. I'm pissed. I want to hit her.
"Watch it." Theo says to her with a glare.
"Maybe don't stand in my way." Julia says looking at me with a smug smile.
"Yeah, I stood in your way while you willingly poured your drink on me." I say back. Theo has his hand on my arm still.

"Move!" Pansy says suddenly at my side.
"Now you're here too?" Julia laughs.
"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask. "I didn't do anything to you." Julia rolls her eyes. I try to step towards her but Theo pulls me back.

I'm so filled with rage, I try shaking his hand off. He doesn't move it. Pansy is yelling at Julia.
"Let's go. You should change." Theo says only to me. I don't respond as I move towards the dorms. Theo's hand doesn't leave my arm.

Once we get upstairs, it's suddenly so much quieter and the lights are actually on.
"She's such a bitch." I say.
"You didn't even do anything." He says.
"Theo." I say looking at him. He looks at me confused.
"Yes?" He asks. I'm not even surprised.

I shake my head and walk to my dorm. He follows.
"Em, what?" He asks.
"You're the smartest person I know, and you're telling me you don't know?" I ask. He looks at me with a look of desperation. I sigh. "She's trying to get between us. It's been all night, Theo. It's what she's known for."

I step away to take a deep breath.
"I don't even know how she found out." I sigh.
"Ems." Theo whispers. I turn to him. "You know how I came by here earlier and we kissed?" I nod. "When you ran back inside I did notice her walk by. She waved and everything seemed normal."
"Fucking hell." I mutter grabbing my head.

"Emilia." Theo whispers.
"Theo." I say glancing at him.
"Do you really believe I would let a girl I barely know get between you and me?" He asks in a low voice.
"I don't know what I believe." I whisper unable to look away from him.

Theo takes my hands and smiles softly. I return my smile.
"Believe me."
"Kinda hard to believe you." I laugh softly.
"Why's that?"
"It was supposed to meaningless." I whisper. I hear Theo chuckle.
"It didn't feel meaningless to me." Theo says. I smile. "Did it to you?"

I don't answer him. He looks at me waiting for an answer. I press my lips onto his.
"No." I say pulling away slightly.

He moves closer to me closing any space between us. I can feel the cold liquid against my stomach as his is against mine.
"You're going to get alcohol on your shirt." I mutter into the kiss. I can feel him laugh as our lips slightly part.
"Let's take it off then." He smirks as his hand moves up my back to the zipper of the dress. I feel the dress get loose and slip it off.

I reach for his shirt and take that off as well. He begins to slid his pants off only pulling away from me once.

He grabs my legs lifting me up. I wrap them around his waist refusing to part my lips with his. He makes his way to my bed where I'm placed down onto my back. I open my eyes to watch him climb on top of me.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." He says looking at me for a second.
"Theo-." I start to say unsure of what the rest of my sentence was meant to be. He smiles pressing his lips against mine once more.

I move my hands down his body feeling every muscle. His hands slide down my side until they move over my thigh. He moves his fingers in careful motions before he pushes them in. I kiss him harder.

He slides his fingers out of me and sits up. I look at him carefully and watch as he puts his two fingers into his mouth.
"You taste so good." He says in a low voice.
"Prove it." I say. He smirks before closing the space between us.

I reach down for his dick and move my hands up and down. I rub my thumb over his tip and hear his breath shake into my neck.

"Please." He mutters. I smile to myself while I let go and nod. He slips it in and grab onto his shoulders tighter. He begins to thrust with a controlled speed. He feels really good. Like incredibly good, and I know he hears it.

"Theo." I mutter after even more thrusts. He slows down to look at me but doesn't stop. "Hold on." I say. He stops and sits up.

I press my lips onto his and flip him over. I'm now sitting on his lap and he's looking at me with hunger in his eyes.

I lift up and reinsert it. I begin moving and Theo grabs my sides to move me to the speed he likes.

His eyes are rolled upwards while his fingers press into my skin.

I love making him feel good.

Once he finishes he insits on making me do so as well.

We start getting dressed when there's a knock at the door.
"Hello?" I call out hoping it's Pansy.
"Emilia, I forgot my wand." My very drunk roommate, Reina says.
"Hold on, I'm getting dressed." I call out while motioning for Theo to hurry up.

I open the door and Reina runs into the bathroom.
"Go." I whisper to Theo.
"So soon?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.
"I'll see you later. Go, Theo." I laugh.
"Bye bye." He says giving me a quick peck before running out.

I close the door and sit down on my bed.

"Was there a guy in here?" Reina asks walking onto hers.
"No." I say trying to sound confused.
"I swear I heard someone." She says.
"You might need some tunic." I laugh.

(A.n: i hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be out soon. pls lmk what you think so far

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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