8. Secrets

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I wake up in my room. My legs feel sore, as the memories of last night come back to me.
"Oh shit." I mutter.

"You're up?" Pansy asks.
"Good. We're all waiting to hear how last night was. Come on, get dressed." Pansy says. I groan while getting up to grab clean clothes.

I change and Pansy is sitting on the bed waiting for me.
"So, before we go out there, did you hook up with anyone?" She asks.
"No." I laugh softly trying to make it seem like I'm telling the truth.
"Merlin, Emilia. It's time to let loose. Have fun."
"I had fun, I didn't want to hookup with anyone." I say.
"You're right. I wouldn't hook up with gryffindors either."
"Right." I laugh.

We walk out and there are the guys, except for Matteo.
"Where's Matteo?" I ask trying to not make eyecontact with Theo.
"Way too hungover." Enzo says.
"He's still sleeping." Blaise says. I nod.
"I don't think Matteo or Colbi will be waking up any time soon." Theo says.

"Thought you said the only way to enjoy a gryffindor party was to be drunk." Pansy says to Theo. I can't help but look at him. He looks at me.
"My statement still stands. The party was boring, gryffindors need to learn to throw one."
"I don't understand how you even went." Draco says.

"Emilia, Matteo was saying something about how your friend Mason let the guys stay, did he say anything to you about it after?" Blaise asks.
"Uh, no." I say making sure to avoid Theo's now very obvious presence.

"Let's just go eat." Enzo says.

As we walk, I basically have to explain every detail of how they party.

We sit down and begin to eat.
"Masons coming." Theo says. I try not to think about how it's the first time he has referred to Mason as Mason.

I turn to see him.
"Hi." I say. Mason slightly scans the group around me.
"I need to talk to you." He says sounding slightly excited.
"Now?" I ask. He nods.

"I'll be right back." I say to the group.
"Alright." Enzo says.

Mason and I walk out into the hallway.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"You have to promise me, not to tell anyone."
"Swear." I say suddenly extremely curious.

"Me and Colbi kinda hooked up last night." He says.
"What?" I ask feeling like I misheard him.
"Yeah. I don't even know how it happened, like one thing led to another and then, boom. We were in my dorm." He says.
"Shit, I don't know how I feel knowing you hooked up with my brother."

"Will you let me know if he says anything?" Mason asks. I nod.
"Yeah, of course." I smile.
"I'm so glad you're my best friend." Mason says. I smile.

"I kinda have to tell you something, though I swore not to say." I say.
"What?" He asks.
"Theo and I hooked up too." I say.
"Merlin's beard. What? How?"

"I don't know. He cut his arm, and his sleeve wouldn't go up. He was shirtless and he kissed me and yeah."
"Shit. So what now?" He asks.
"Nothing. We agreed it was just meaningless." I say.
"So meaningless, that even me walking up to you gets me being stared down until I'm long gone." Mason says.
"Maybe you should hook up with him instead." I say.

He rolls his eyes.
"Okay, but I should get back." I say.
"Yeah, me too."

We both walk back in and we go our separate ways.

"What was that all about?" Theo asks.
"What's it to you?" I ask. Pretend it never happened.
"Just wondering what two no lives could possibly talk about."
"Such a no life that I got invited to a different house party, and you had to sneak in." I say.
"And it was boring."
"Seemed to enjoy yourself pretty well from where I was standing." I say tired of hearing him go on about it.
"As if. You could barely stand." Theo says smirking softly.

"Merlin, how much did you drink?" Enzo asks laughing.
"I don't even remember." I say laughing too.
"That anti hangover vile must work miracles." Draco says.
"All hail the Weasley twins." I say. They all look at me like I'm crazy. I laugh. "I personally am very fond of them."

"Have you shagged them?" Pansy asks.
"No." I say almost confused.
"They seem like your type." Blaise says.
"Which you think is?" I ask.
"Very much alive, funny, outgoing, and like kind." Blaise says.
"Ew, no. That sounds like Enzo." I say. "No offense."
"None taken."

"I don't have a type." I say.
"But if you had to have one?" Pansy asks.
"How'd we go from talking about the party to Emilia's type?" Theo asks.

"Well, we should get back soon." Draco says.
"We have our first official quidditch practice today."
"Tell me you're joking." I say.
"I'm not."
"You do realize they're meant to be on monday?" Theo asks.
"Yes, but gryffindor likes to throw their parties on friday so they're all hungover by saturday. We get the extra practice."
"Fucks sake." Blaise mutters.

"So glad I'm not indulging in that." Pansy says.
"What about Matteo and Colbi?" I ask.
"They'll live." Draco says.

Theo's Pov

I walk up to the dorm to wake Matteo and Colbi up. They're already up when I walk in.
"Dracos officially lost it, we have practice today."
"Fuck." Matteo says yelling into his pillow.
"I actually hate that guy." Colbi mutters.

After a couple minutes they start getting ready.

"You know, I hooked up with the most random person ever last night." Colbi says to me while Matteo is in the bathroom.
"Can't say."

I turn around intrigued.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Just can't."

"So who'd you hook up with?" Matteo asks walking out the bathroom.
"What?" I ask taken aback. Did Emilia say something?
"After you have a great hook up you like glow."
"So I'm glowing?"
"You know what I mean. You look like radiant. Proud?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're not denying it. Who was it?"
"Can't say."
"Bro, it can't be as wild as mine." Colbi butts in.
"Oh, it definitely can." I say.
"Come on spill."

"Look if you tell me yours and I think it's crazy I'll tell you mine."
"See, I don't think yours can be that crazy."
"She's gotta be some wild ass girl for you to wanna keep it from us this bad."
"You and I both."

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