1. Tradition

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Colbi walks off to sit with his friends while I walk onto the train with Enzo. I see our usual seat, with the guys and Pansy already there. Enzo grabs my arm stopping me.

"Emilia." He says.
"Yeah?" I ask nervously.
"I don't think I can do another year of my two bestfriends constantly arguing." I know instantly he's talking about Theo and I.
"He's a pain." I say.
"Please. Just try to take it down a notch."
"I will do my very best." He smiles.
"Thank you."

We walk over and I take my usual seat next to Pansy.
"Woah!" She yells. "My wife is here." She says throwing her arms over me.
"Missed you so very much." I say.
"Yes. Next year 2 weeks together is not enough. We need the whole summer."

"You do realize you have a whole friend group, right?" Blaise asks.
"Yes, but we're not married to any of you." I say.
"As if we'd want to be." Theo murmurs.

I clench my jaw while looking at Enzo who gives me a soft smile.

"Oh, I know for a fact that's not true." Pansy says winking at Draco.
"Good fucking bye!" I yell pushing her hands off me. We all burst into laughter.

"I for one am so excited." Matteo says.
"For?" Pansy asks.
"Draco and I made a bet to see how many girls we get through by the end of the year."
"Merlin." I mutter.
"Just you two?" Pansy asks with a shocked expression on her face.

"Yeah, why aren't you 3 doing it?" I ask glancing at the three boys.
"I'm trynna actually be serious and get a real relationship." Blaise says. Pansy and I share a look before laughing.
"Blaise, honey, you can't go over 2 weeks without having withdraws from sex." Pansy says making us all die laughing.
"Swear, every year he says the same thing." I say.
"This time I'm serious." He says.
"Okay." Pansy says.

"You two?" I ask turning to Enzo and Theo.
"Well, I kinda feel like it's stupid to shag around with girls just to win a bet." Enzo says. Pansy and I both smile.

"Theo?" Pansy asks knowing that I can't even say his name without it starting an argument.
"Didn't wanna do it cause I knew Draco and Matteo wouldn't stand a chance against me." Theo says. Matteo laughs.
"Are you hearing this?" He asks Draco who rolls his eyes.

"I agree with Enzo. It's stupid." I say.
"I agree." Pansy says.
"That's cause you two aren't interested in fucking girls." Matteo says.
"Oh yeah?" Pansy asks. "I'll fuck anything if it's hot."
"That so?" Draco asks.

"Have you and Emilia fucked?" Blaise asks. I start laughing while Pansy looks at me.
"You'll never know."
"You calling me hot, Blaise?" I ask. He looks over at the guys for help. They're laughing.
"Well, she flirts with you all the time."

"I'll be the first to admit it, this entire friend group is hot." Pansy says.
"Awe thanks." Enzo says smiling.
"I'm well aware, thanks though." Draco says.

"I actually don't understand why half the girls at school are so obsessed with you guys." I say.
"You know what? I don't know why half the guys are obsessed with you." Matteo says to me. I laugh.
"Who's obsessed with Emilia?" Theo asks looking at Matteo.

"Why? Jealous?" Pansy asks.
"As if." Theo laughs.

"A lot of guys actually. It's actually annoying, they all come up to me asking if I can set something up." Enzo says.
"And you haven't told me this why?" I ask.
"Gotta keep you humble."

"Okay, guys." Blaise says.
"It's time for our tradition." He says.
"This might be my favorite part of the whole year." Matteo says.
"Why's that?" Theo asks.
"It's cause he always ends up doing it." I laugh.
"It becomes a challenge." He says.

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