11. Dont drink Madam Pomfreys Viles

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I open my eyes, my head feeling foggy. I realize I'm in the hospital wing. I sit up trying to piece together what I remember.

I remember being hit and then falling. I remember being in pain and then being carried here. I don't remember who carried me, I just remember they were strong.

Madam Pomfrey walks by and notices I'm up.
"Oh, how are you feeling?" She asks.
"I would assume as much."
"How long am I staying?"
"Should be overnight, but we'll see how you're feeling tomorrow. There was a break in your right leg but I did fix that, there will be bruising though, and it'll take a couple days to fully heal."
"Alright, thank you." I say.

"Your friend did stop by earlier but you were still sleeping." She says.
"Which one?"
"Mr. Nott. He carried you here, and I'm guessing he came back right after the match ended."
"He did?" I ask. She nods.

She leaves me with my thoughts. When I got hurt last year, it was Colbi and Blaise that got me here, and Theo didn't even come see me.

After however long the door opens. I turn and see the group. Pansy runs to my side.
"Are you okay?" She asks. I nod.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I barely remember what happened."
"Emilia, you fucking flew to the ground." Matteo says.
"Well, actually. She didn't fly. Her broom broke." Enzo says.
"My broom broke?" I ask. "My parents are going to kill me."
"Remember last year?" Colbi asks.

I broke my broom last year and my parents told me they weren't buying me another.

"Relax. You do realize who you're friends with, right? We'll get you another." Theo says.
"As long as it keeps you lot from pulling that shit again." Draco says.
"What shit?" I ask.
"They were trying to start a fight mid match."
"Who is they?" Blaise asks. "I was watching from afar."
"As if you wouldn't have jumped in if Theo, Enzo, and I needed the help." Matteo says.

"Draco would've jumped in too, what are you going on about?" Enzo says.
"He definitely would've." Matteo laughs.
"Not on the field." Draco says.
"Didn't you terrorize Potter in like second year?" Pansy asks.
"It's different."
"No that was slightly embarrassing." Colbi says.

"Your leg alright?" Theo asks moving to my side while the rest of the group argues.
"Yeah, I can't feel anything though. I'm on a lot of drugs right now." I smile.
"That's good. I tried-."

"When are you allowed out?" Enzo asks me.
"Should be tomorrow." I say.
"I say we get drunk as a way to celebrate." Matteo says.
"I need a couple days to fully heal, Matteo." I laugh.
"Nothing a little bit of alcohol hasn't helped." Blaise says.
"We know how Emilia gets when drunk, I don't think it's smart." Pansy laughs.
"You guys think you're so funny." I say. They laugh.

"Shit. Guys, it's time for dinner." Enzo says.
"We'll come back after." Pansy says.
"Alright. Bring me something."
"Will do."

They start walking out and I can feel Theo looking at me.
"I got detention." Theo says.
"With?" Draco asks.
"Didn't even know he gives detention." Colbi mutters.
"Yup. See you guys after." Theo says walking out and going right. He didn't get it while in class. 
"Bye!" I call out to the rest.

Two minutes go by before the door opens. Theo walks in.
"What about detention?"
"Isn't this detention enough?" He smirks.
"Heard you carried me here."
"You heard correctly."

"Why are you here?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"Where's that big ole "I hate Emilia act?" I ask. He looks at me for a couple of seconds.

"Hate is a big word. And you were hurt. I was just there. Dumbledore asked me to bring you."
"Okay, why did you just lie about detention?"
"Don't know." He says sitting down.

"Did it break?" He asks. I nod.
"I probably won't be fully fine until a couple of days."
"At least."
"It hurt so bad, Theo. I can't even remember what the way here felt like."
"You were still and light."

"Did we win?"
"That's good. Was Draco throwing a fit about you leaving?"
"No, he was livid about me going to Samsuel."
"He's the guy who hit you. Pansy saw his name, so I went in and had a little chat with him."
"Thank you." I smile. He smiles back.

"Don't scare us like that again."
"No promises."
"Just gotta keep a better eye out there."
"I had already passed it, I don't know why he'd throw it after."
"Believe me, I wondered the same thing."

Madam Pomfrey walks in.
"Mr. Nott, you're back."
"Hi." He says.
"Well, Emilia here needs to take some medication."

She hands me a vile.
"Just a little warning, it won't be pleasant."
"Lovely." I mutter before throwing my head back.

It's absolutely horrid. I want to vomit. I can hear Theo laughing softly while I shake my head.
"That tastes rancid." I say.
"So what do you say, you gonna fall from the sky again?"
"I'll do anything to not have to take that again."
"Unfortunately, you have to take it every 6 hours."

I look over at Theo who's giving me an apologetic smile.

"I'd rather not." I say.
"Either you take them or have a broken thigh forever."
"I don't really need to be able to move." I say.
"I'd much prefer you do." Theo whispers leaning a little closer to me. I turn to him looking for a sign of what that's meant to mean.

"I'll come back later." Madam Pomfrey says walking out.

"I don't recommend." I say looking at the vile.
"What is the worst that could happen if I don't drink it?"
"You could lose a leg."
"Do I need it?" I ask. He laughs softly.
"You do have nice legs."
"Noted." I laugh.

"Are you hungry?" Theo asks. I nod.
"Pansy should be bringing me one."

Theo and I just sit there looking at eachother.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"What do you mean?"

The door opens and Mason walks in.
"Hi." He says looking at us. "Sorry."

Allure- Theodore NottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora