14. Fall Dance

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There's a knock at the door. I look over at Pansy excitedly.
"I'll see you downstairs." She smirks. I giggle softly as I make my way to the door. I step out to see Theo in a suit and tie.

He looks at me smiling softly.
"You look very nice." He says taking my hand and making me spin. I laugh while looking at him.
"As do you." I say.

He leans down to press his lips onto mine.
"I brought you something." He says.
"What?" I ask. He lifts his hand to show me a white lily.
"It reminded me of you."
"Theo." I say smiling while taking it. I step onto my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

I run back inside to put it in a vase.

I walk back out and Theo and I walk downstairs to the common room. Matteo is already there waiting. He smirks at us.
"I still can't believe it." Matteo laughs.
"Me neither." I laugh.

We wait for the rest of the group before walking to the dance.

Theo stays by my side while I walk through the crowd.
"Emilia!" I hear a voice call. I turn and see Mason. He's wearing a brown tux.
"Mason." I smile walking over to hug him.
"You look so pretty." He smiles. I smile back.

Theo puts his hand on my lower back while he leans close to me.
"I'm gonna go talk to some friends, I'll be back." He says. I nod.

"So he did actually take you." Mason says.
"Yes he did. He brought me a lily."
"Stop. That's adorable."
"How about you and Colbi?" I ask.
"Trynna stay on the downlow." Mason laughs. I smile sadly.

"Colbi can be a dick." I say. Mason smiles softly.
"Well-." Mason starts.
"No shut up. Don't finish that sentence." I say stopping before I have to hear a dick joke about my brother.

"Who is that?" Mason asks suddenly with a straight face.
"Who's who?" I ask turning to look at where he's looking.

I can see a girl talking to Theo. She has her back to me, but I can see her shoulder length brown hair over a green dress.

"No idea." I mutter watching her hit his arm playfully.
"Go say something." Mason says.
"No." I say instantly. I don't want to cause a scene.

Pansy walks over to us.
"What the fuck is Julia Tanny doing with Theo?" She asks me.
"It's Tanny?" I ask feeling my stomach sink. She nods.
"Is that bad?" Mason asks.
"She's the biggest home wrecker." Pansy answers.
"Not like there's a home to wreck." I say laughing.

"Well do something." Mason says.
"Do what?
"Anything." She says.
"No. It's not like he's my boyfriend." I say turning around.
"You're too good for this world." Pansy says.

I see Theo start walking back over. He hands me a drink and looks at Pansy confused since she's glaring at him.
"Thanks." I say.
"You good, Pansy?" Theo asks.
"I'm great." She smiles not dropping her glare.

"Let's dance." I say grabbing Theo's hands.

We both hand our drinks to Mason and walk into the dance floor.

Theo puts his hands on my waist as I throw my arms around his neck. His hands feel warm through my dress. I let my fingers go into his hair.
"Your hair is so soft." I say smiling softly. He smiles.

He has the sweetest smile.

"Thank you." He says not dropping his smile. I move onto my tippy toes as he leans down to close the space between our lips.

We continue dancing. It feels like it's just us in this world.

Theo and I walk off the dance floor to relax a bit.
"What did I do?" Theo asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Pansys glaring at me from across the room." Theo mumbles as if scared she could hear.
"I don't know." I shrug trying to play it off as confused.

I don't want him to think I'm crazy.

"She's mental." Theo mutters.
"What?" He laughs.
"Shut up. She's our bestfriend." I say.
"Yes, and I've called the rest of them mental too."
"You're just as mental." I say.
"So you admit they're mental?" Theo smirks looking down at me. I push his stomach.
"I hate you." I laugh. He smiles before pressing a kiss on my forehead.

After a bit Pansy walks over to us.
"Hey Pans." I smile.
"Hey, I'm going back to the dorm to start getting ready for the party. Wanna come?" She asks. I glance back at Theo wondering if he's staying.
"I don't want to leave you here." I say.
"Go, it's fine. I'll see you down there." He says. I nod.

Pansy grabs my arm as we walk out.

We get to our dorm and Pansy begins reapplying lipgloss.
"He say anything?" She asks.
"No. I don't really care. He was there with me." I say.
"He looks better with you." Pansy says. I smile.

After a bit we go down and meet everyone.

Theo smiles at me when he sees me. I smile back walking to his side. He puts his arm on my side.

"I so need to get drunk." Matteo says.
"Me too." Pansy says.

Soon enough drinks are being passed around.

Theo and I are drinking together, it's sorta relaxing to speak to him like a real person.

I look up and see Enzo getting yelled at.
"I'll be back." I say to Theo who chuckles softly while nodding.

I walk over to Enzo and the girl is clearly drunk and yelling at him.
"Im sorry." Enzo says to her.
"No-." She slurs. "You're lying."
"I promise I didn't mean to step on you." Enzo mumbles.

"Hey, Alie." I say.
"Emilia." She mumbles.
"Come on, let's get some water." I say grabbing her arm.
"No." She shakes her head.
"Yeah." I nod taking her to the water table in the back. I hand her a cup.
"It's tequila." I lie.
"Good." She says downing it. "Another." I nod handing her another.

Once she's calmed down I walk back over to the main section.

I see Theo sipping his drink, he looks gentle. Not even 5 feet away is Julia. She's looking up at the air holding a drink.

I don't like this. I don't like her pretending she's not doing it.

I walk over to Theo who welcomes me with a smile.
"All good?" He asks. I nod.
"Enzo stepped on a drunk girls foot." I say.
"Been there." Theo laughs.

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