13. "Eye Fuck"

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Theo and I have spent the last week hiding around and doing whatever we can to get a couple minutes alone.

Pansy and I are in our dorm discussing the fall dance.
"So, I'm thinking a black dress." I say.
"Yes?" I ask taking a sip of water.
"When did you and Theo hookup?" Pansy asks.

I almost spit my drink out.
"I'm not stupid. You two basically eye fuck all day. And oh you both magically forgot your wands in the common room, and he's so against everyone that's interested in you." She says.
"Shit." I mutter.

"We're that obvious?" I ask.
"Yes. Now spill."

I tell her everything.

"I'm so jealous. I personally have been expecting this for years."
"You have?" I laugh.
"Yes. There's only so much tension that two people can hold before they break."
"I'm not sure that's how I'd word it."

"Whatever, so are you guys going to go to the dance together or what?" She asks. I shrug.
"That would make it like obvious. We're trynna keep it on the downlow."
"Baby, you are so incredibly obvious it's painful." She says. I smile.

"I might just ask you to come with." I say hitting her arm.
"I'm so down." She says.

Once I get to Potions I go to my usual seat next to Theo.
"Hey." He says softly.
"So, Pansy knows." I say.
"About?" He asks.
"Us." I say. I don't know how I feel saying us. He smiles softly.
"Did you tell her?"
"No, she said it was extremely obvious. She said and I quote that we eye fuck."
"That's funny." He chuckles softly.

"Let me guess, she asked if we were going to the fall dance together?"
"Yup." I say.
"What did you say?"
"I said that it would make it even more obvious, then said I'd be willing to go with her."

I look at Theo trying to figure out what he's thinking but it's hard. He hides his emotions very well.

Later that night, we're all relaxing in the common room. I'm sitting on the couch next to Enzo, who's next to Blaise. Theo's sitting on my other side.

"Emilia, I love you very much, you know right?" Pansy says turning to me.
"Oh god." Blaise laughs.
"Yes, I know that." I say suspiciously.
"What'd you do?" Matteo asks laughing.

"This is between the two of us." Pansy says turning to him. Matteo throws his hands up.
"My apologies."
"You just got told." Colbi says softly raising his brows.

"Em, I got asked to the dance. I'm sorry." She says. I laugh.
"That's fine, Pans. Who was it?" I ask.
"This guy I madeout with last party." She says. I nod.

"How dare you Pansy." Enzo says joking around.
"Yeah, how could you leave Emilia like that?" Matteo continues.
"Oh, I'm sure she'll find someone." She says looking at me before glancing at Theo.
"Yup." I say quickly.

"If no one asks you, I'll go with you. As friends. " Enzo says. I smile.
"Thanks, Enzo." I say smiling.

I look over and see Pansy smiling at me. I smile back confused. She glances at Theo then starts giggling.
"What?" Theo asks noticing.
"Nothing." Pansy says laughing even more.
"I'm confused." I say.
"I'll explain later."

I sit back in my seat throwing a glance to Theo who's looking at me confused. I shrug.

Not long after just about everyone starts leaving to go back to their dorms.
"I'll just leave you to it." Pansy says to Theo and me.

She gets up and walks away.

"She's awful." Theo says.
"Hey." I say glaring at him.
"She literally started staring at me after saying you'd find a date."
"That's Pansy." I laugh.

Theo puts a hand on my knee.
"What color are you wearing?" He asks.
"Black probably. Why?"
"Making sure we're matching." He says. I smile.
"I'm taking you to that dance."

"You let Pansy scare you into taking me?" I laugh.
"She doesn't scare me." He laughs. I lean closer to him but not letting our lips touch.
"She should."

He presses him lips to mine. I kiss him back sitting up to move closer. He puts his hands on my waist and moves me onto his lap.

"Hi." I giggle softly looking at him.
"Hey." He says back with the same smile.

"Holy shit." I hear someone behind us say. I recognize the voice to be Matteo's. I slide off of Theo instantly turning to face Matteo.

"Hi." I say awkwardly.
"Emilia? That's who you hooked up with?" Matteo asks Theo.
"Lower your voice." I hiss.

"This is insane. How long?"
"About a month." Theo answers.
"Holy shit." Matteo laughs. "This is great."

"Yeah?" Theo asks.
"I would've never guessed. Who else knows?"
"I think just you and Pansy." Theo says.
"And Mason." I say. Theo looks at me confused. I raise my eyebrows and he nods.

"I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight guys." I say standing up. Theo pulls me down to kiss me.
"Goodnight." He says. I smile before running to my dorm.

Pansy sits up in her bed looking at me.
"Dude." She says.
"Dude." I repeat.
"When Enzo said that, you should've seen his face. Theo looked livid." Pansy laughs. I laugh.
"We're going to the dance together."
"Thank god."

"And Matteo might've caught us making out."
"What?" She yells.
"Yeah, I kinda just left."
"That's comedic." She laughs.

I shrug.
"I'm just happy we're going together." I smile.
"Are you guys going to be that couple that's like always making out?" Pansy asks.
"Pansy." I laugh.
"I've got to mentally prepare."

I roll my eyes turning away from her.
"I'm going to sleep now." I say.
"Yeah, yeah." She mutters.

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