10. Bludgers and Quaffles

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It's our first quidditch match today. Slytherin against Ravenclaw. Mason said something about his friend being excited to play against me.

We walk out onto the field.
"I'm nervous." I mutter to Enzo.
"Don't be. I have a good feeling about todays match."
"If we lose today, I will go ballistic." Draco says.

We fly up into the air as Draco has to shake hands with the other captain.

The whistle blows and the game has began. Quidditch is like a second nature to me. Every turn and duck is like a daily occurrence that I no longer have to think about while doing.

"Back up!" I hear Draco yell. I do. He flies right past me chasing the snitch. I turn around already expecting a buldger. I don't see one instead I see a guy flying over.
"Vincent." He says. I nod.
"Kinda busy." I say before flying towards Matteo to catch the quaffle.

I lean forward on my broom already feeling Ravenclaws team fly towards me.
"Emilia!" I hear a voice yell. I glance up and see Theo open. I throw the quaffle to him and he catches it.

I feel a blow at my side.

Next thing I know I'm flying to the floor, my entire right side is in unbearable pain. I feel the air around me come to a stop and I start hearing voices all around me.


"Emilia!" I yell. Im open. She throws me the quaffle. I turn to shoot but hear a loud noise.

I turn, along with everyone else on the field. Emilia was falling, her broom in two, flying feet away from her.

I make my broom carry me forward. Dumbledore stops her before she hits the floor and brings her down slowly. I can hear Pansy yelling as she starts running through the stands. I fly down towards her, Colbi, Blaise, Enzo, Matteo, and Draco following.

I jump off my broom and run to her side. I don't see any blood.
"Hey, Em." I whisper lifting her head up.
"Fuck." She mutters, I can see the tears streaming down her face as she holds herself up. I notice her arms shake. I put my arms around her shoulder to keep her up.
"What happened?" Draco asks.
"I don't know." Emilia says.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." Pansy says running over to Emilia's side. "That was so intentional."
"What happened?" Draco asks her.
"Who was it, Pans?" Colbi asks standing up.

"Out of my way." Snape says, followed by Dumbledore. I step back not letting her go.
"Professor that isn't allowed." Pansy protests.
"We'll deal with that later, Miss Parkinson." Dumbledore says.

"What hurts?" Snape asks standing over us.
"My leg." Emilia mutters very obviously in a lot of pain.
"Can you walk?" Dumbledore asks. He must clearly not be looking, because she's literally in tears and only sitting up because of me. She shakes her head.

"Mr. Nott, do you mind." Dumbledore says to me. I nod.
"I'm sorry." I say already knowing it's going to hurt. I slip my arm under her legs and I watch her wince.
"I'm okay." She says noticing me look at her with worry.

I lift her up and she leans her head on my shoulder.

Not a thought comes to mind as I take her to Madam Pomfrey. I walk in and she looks over at us.
"Horrible sport." She mutters.

"Set her down here." She says running to a bed. I walk over and set Emilia down as gently as possible.
"Thank you." I hear Emilia whisper. I nod.

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asks running to her side.
"I don't know. Her leg hurts, she must've gotten hit and fallen." I say. Emilia nods.
"Mr. Nott, do you mind stepping out for a bit?" I nod giving Emilia's shoulder a quick squeeze before leaving.

I step out and Mason and Pansy are standing there.
"What happened? Is she okay?" He asks.
"I don't know, she got hit and fell. That's all I know."
"One of the players, he took that big heavy ball thing and chucked it at her."
"Shit." He mutters.y
"Pansy, who was it?" I ask.
"Samsuel. That's what his jersey said." Pansy says. I nod.

I get back to the field. They resumed the game. I wait by the sideline for Draco to call me back in.

"Nott!" Draco yells. One of the players flies off and I fly in. My eyes scan around. I find a jersey with the word Samsuel on it. They didn't kick him out yet, Dumbledore is practically begging me.

We just scored so we're back to the beginning. The whistle blows.

Unluckily for him, Samsuel gets the quaffle. Without thinking I fly towards him, full speed. I get right next to him making sure to push my broom against his.
"What the hell?" He yells throwing the quaffle at a teammate.
"You think it's fun?" I ask. "Cute?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Emilia." I say moving infront of him to block his way.

"Theo." Matteo says grabbing my arm. "Not so obvious." He adds whispering. I pull my arm away and move back from him.

The rest of the game I watch Samsuel, and when given the chance I'd get close. I contemplate pushing him off his broom, but Dumbledore would stop him.

Samsuel is about to score, so I take my broom and fly into it. Samsuel almost falls off his broom and Colbi gets the quaffle.
"Get off me!" Samsuel yells. I throw my hands up.

"Get him off, Malfoy!" He yells making heads turn. Enzo and Matteo fly closer.
"What's going on?" Enzo asks.
"This is who threw Emilia off her broom.
"That wasn't my fault, mate." Samsuel says.
"So she just decided to fall off?" Matteo asks.
"Aren't you Ravenclaws supposed to be smart?" I ask. Samsuel glares at me.

"Nott!" I hear Draco yell. I ignore him.

"I'm not stupid. You think I'd purposely knock Emilia Jester off her brook knowing she has a whole friend group that will very well enjoy ripping me to shreds?"
"Let's find out." I say moving closer to him.
"Theo, he didn't mean to." Enzo says.
"He still did."
"Why do you even care? Last I heard you hated her." One of Samsuels friends asks flying over.

I don't look over at Matteo and Enzo, feeling that they're looking at me.

"Theo!" Draco yells.
"I'll see you off the field, Samsuel." I say before flying over to Draco.
"Get it together, we're one more shot away from winning."
"Or catch the snitch." I mutter.
"Get in position."

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