Palaces and Armies

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Thalia POV:

I had just finished constructing my palace when I saw somebody who looked like they were related to the ocean talk to Percy and flash him away. It's probably Thalassa, I've heard of her before, Pontus' wife. Maybe she was showing Percy new powers or his army. I wish I had a mentor. That's right when Aether and Hemera came over to me, who had just made Will their champion. Speak of the primordials.

"Hello Thalia. We would like to show you your kingdom in the sky and your army. We can't show you everything you need to know, especially with your lightning powers, as me and Aether main powers are sky and light manipulation, but it will be a good guide for you to start off with." Hemera said, a warm smile on her face.

"For sure, thank you guys." I replied, grabbing Hemera's hand before we flashed away in an extremely bright light, maybe flashes get brighter when you're doing it with light himself. We reappeared in a gigantic room which nearly blinded me. Something I would have to get used to, being the sky. The cause for the near eyesight loss was enormous windows which let in tons of light. At the end of the rectangular room there were seven thrones, creating a U formation which had a throne that looked like it was made of lightning at the center. My throne. But why was I in the middle, I just got crowned like 5 minutes ago. Aether and Hemera had been around for billions of years.

"Welcome to the Primordial Council of the Sky, Thalia. You are the head of the council, as you are the most powerful and you control the most area, the reason for your superior power." Aether said, a bright smile on his face.

"Who's thrones are the four?" I asked. They all looked as the material was being blown in the wind and an arrow was pointing on each of them to the cardinal directions.

"Those are the thrones of the Anemoi, personifications of the North, East, South, and West winds. Primordial palaces like these are reserved for the personifications of parts of are respective elements. However, the Anemoi are more a spirit than a primordial and are not regarded on the council, partially due to their power level. They are on par with a god, even rivaling some Olympians but nowhere near primordials." he explained, to which I nodded. But there was something before the throne, a pedestal with what looked like a bow and arrow.

I approached it and saw that on the quartz it was engraved The Air's Bow and Arrow, radiating light. It was made out of gold and one single arrow was already in place, somehow staying loaded even though no pressure was placed against it. "It is blessed by the Anemoi I just discussed. The wind guides it, making it always find its mark. Only one arrow is necessary as well as the arrow is blown back to your bow with the power of a hurricane, effectively reloading in a second. Let me take you to our army, who looks up to all seven of us, but you in particular." Aether said, leading me to a hallway.

At the end of the hallway there wasn't a walk or a door. Just a hole. Leading to open air. Aether jumped out, hovering mid-air. Hemera followed, looking back at me. "Come on, honey, You got this. The air recognizes you as it's own, controlling itself to make room for you." I tentatively jumped and closed my eyes, expecting to be yanked down to the Earth's surface. But I didn't feel the sensation of falling and when I opened my eyes, I was floating, next to Aether and Hemera. They both smiled, seeing that I was next to them.

They waved for me to come along and I glided across the air like it was a swimming pool, so natural to me. Behind a wall of clouds, there was a ridiculous sight in front of her. Tons of warriors were fighting against each other, but not on the ground. In the air. Weaving between clouds and zooming around like Superman, they were using a variety of attacks. Lightning blasts, gusts of wind and hand to hand combat were all being used, everybody fighting like their life depended on it. But it was training.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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