25. Cancerous

11 3 0



November 20

Dear Journal,

Man, life is so weird.  And now that the scary parts are pretty much

over, I think its safe for me to tell you what happened after the

tournament in Erie.

The next week at debate club, Mr. Dupree confronted me about Gilbert.

It went something like this-

"So, Hazel... Who is 'Gil'?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, Gilbert Write?" I said acting confused.

"Gilbert Write." He said thinking the name over.

"He's just my friend." I said.

"Friend or boyfriend?" He asked, "A very trusted friend of mine came

to me at the tournament and told me they saw you holding hands."

"What?" I shrieked acting surprised, "Uh, there must be some kind of

misunderstanding or something... I wouldn't do that, especially at a

tournament, Mr. Dupree!

I know... I'm a terrible awful person! >.< But this was two months

ago... And at that time, no one could know about me and Gil... Well,

they still can't... Just not as much.  Oh gosh... If Mr. Dupree ever

finds out I lied to him... I'll just die. XP

That was seriously so freaking scary!! My knees were literally

buckling. No joke.  Gosh.

Anywho, I'll try to write more often. :)

- Hazel Auburn


I love Gilbert so much.

I know you know this... But no matter how many times I say it, it

could never really add up to how I truly feel about him.

I could say I loved him every second of every day for the rest of my

life, and it wouldn't even be 1/trillionth of how much I really love


Now, people are always judging young love. All the time. Saying how it

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