Chapter Eighteen

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Rayne's reddened cheeks puffed as she breathed air into Jacob's sleeping lungs. And that is what she told herself, that he was merely sleeping.

Deaf to the chaos ensuing around the pair, Rayne continued to rush air through her and Jacob's connected mouths before checking for a heartbeat and coming up disappointed. Her knees scratched against the large, broken piece of rubble that they occupied but she paid her discomfort no mind. 

Over her shoulder, The Inevitable gracefully sank, leaving behind its crew members to swim to shore and away from a thrashing Red who crashed into the castle.

Townsfolk dispersed like ants when the Red Bluster was first seen falling toward their safe haven. All soldiers were called to attention and prepared their cannons for use.

Amid the mayhem, Rayne struggled to supply a whole breath as her emotions and fears sprang forth.

She banged her fists against his chest as sobs rattled her frail form. "You cannot leave me," she wailed. Rayne continued to demand Jacob's return as cradled him to her chest, her tears falling into his wet hair. In despair and completely drained of all energy she simply cried. "You cannot."

Her ears rang loudly as Red crashed into the castle once more, still under the effects of sedation.

Rayne flinched when Jacob jolted, water sputtering out of his mouth in ragged coughs. Immediately turning him on his side, Rayne waited as the tired man released a final cough before rolling on his back. Catching his breath, Jacob placed one hand over his racing heart and the other pushed his mop of hair back.

As Jacob became aware of his surroundings and less concerned about possibly dying, he turned his head to the side to find his beloved Rayne smiling breathlessly at him. With a groan, Jacob sat himself up and molded his palm against her soft cheek.

"You blasted man. You sure know how to cut years off my life," Rayne berated while covering his hand with her own and leaning into his touch. "I'll be all gray by tomorrow I'm sure."

"Not much of a difference," Jacob chuckled, tugging at a pale lock of hair. Rayne's own laugh was short-lived as the thought of Jacob having died returned.

She solemnly watched his chest move up and down with every breath. "You almost died, Jacob." Rayne looked into his eyes. "You were dead."

Jacob's face scrunched in understanding as he pulled her into his arms. "I know, love." He kissed the crown of her head and breathed her in. 

"You saved my life in more ways than you know, Rayne, and I cannot bear another second without you by my side for you are the air I breathe and the light by which I see. And I cannot continue without you knowing that I simply love you."

"Oh, Jacob," she whispered, afraid that anything louder would cause her voice to crumble like the rubble they sat on. 

Her eyes gleamed with happiness that matched Jacob's, though, his face remained serious and his breathing wavered as he anxiously prepared for her response.

"My heart has been yours from the moment I found you in the middle of the sea. And I'm afraid that you cannot get rid of it no matter how hard you may try because I love you and can be quite stubborn about these types of things—"

Giving her no moment to breathe, Jacob fused their lips in a soft caress that spoke of his love for her without any words. Her lashes fluttered to conceal her eyes as she sighed in complete satisfaction, that is, utter bliss until her eyes cracked open to spot a flash of red cutting through the water.

Red evoked the fear of a shark fin darting through the waters as her horn set its course for Captain Crow who raced for a spear that was embedded in a stone statue.

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