Chapter Ten

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"Jacob, don't you realize that everything she's saying is valid. Red protected us and—"

"So now you're callin' it Red too? You're not using your brain, Rayne. Everything out there wants to kill us." Jacob's feral look caused her brows to furrow as his firm hand pointed into the dark, which echoed with chitters and groans.

Rayne pushed her hands against Jacob's chest, and though he didn't move an inch, it gave her some satisfaction. "Then why weren't we eaten, huh? Blimey, would you just stop for a second?"

With a huff, Jacob stopped and turned to face the woman who stared at him with hands anchored to her hips. His boots sunk into deep sand, which no longer gleamed with the light of the sun but looked dull under the night sky. 

The large moon rested high among the stars, and Jacob had to remind himself to breathe as he was forced to gaze upon the siren, who seemed to glow under the moon's beams.

Dropping her hands to hang at her sides, Rayne spoke with a soft voice. She may have let their argument in the giant shell cloud her judgment and destroy her patience. Rayne was proud of Maisie; the girl remained level-headed as they... discussed the day's events, particularly pertaining to Captain Crow and Red. But Rayne couldn't blame Jacob for his opinions; no matter how irritating they were, he wasn't taught any differently.

Rayne stepped closer to the brooding man and looked up into his golden eyes. "You know I can understand them, Jacob. Red didn't want to hurt us. It was just as Maisie said; she was protecting us. From Crow."

Shaking his head, Jacob said, "Crow is not the bad guy, Rayne." Jacob took a few steps toward their beached lifeboat and pilfered through the measly remains of supplies. "And, if anything, the beast was protecting only you."

"Why do you say that?" Rayne caught a small sack thrown over his wide shoulders.

"I'm sure they recognize their own. So the Bluster saves you from the dangerous humans or," he pushed off from the boat, "it simply forgot to swallow. There. Mystery solved. You comin'?" He adjusted his findings in his arms and walked toward the dense trees.

"You know what you're really good at, Jacob? Being so stuck up your own arse that you don't give a... you don't care about anyone else." Rayne tossed the small sack, which landed at his feet, and started down the beach where the water rippled over the damp sand.

"And where are you going?" Jacob shouted into the cool air and sighed at the return of no reply. "Rayne, there are monsters out there."

The siren didn't stop and didn't look back at the man who stood watching her fade away. "Well, they recognize their own. Don't they?"

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Jacob groaned as his back twinged and tightened but he quickly shook it off, twisting his torso and neck to achieve a series of pops. Rubbing his eyes open, he lazily looked around the pink inner shell that was bright from the sunlight leaking through the opening. Despite his body's protest, Jacob jerked to a planted standing position after realizing that he was the only one in their shelter.

Tightening his grip on his spear, Jacob collected their things and stomped into the bright outdoors. After his eyes adjusted to the sun, he found himself disappointed that neither Rayne nor the girl was waiting outside. Brushing off the fact that Rayne never returned from her tempered stroll, Jacob looked around and spotted a small trail.

Within a few steps, Jacob found the troublesome girl standing in the middle of a nest with a blue creature held in her arms. "What are you doing?"

Maisie's eyes popped open at being caught, but she could also sigh in relief at the presence of Jacob after learning what she cracked was an egg. "I, uh, I'm afraid anything I say will upset you."

Falling Under (The Sea Beast)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें