Chapter Eleven

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Maisie panted as she ran across the hard back of the giant, purple crab. The number of crazy things she had experienced in the past day would make any lady faint. 

She would have never imagined that she'd be launching herself onto the eyeball of a giant crab to save a Red Bluster, a sea monster. But here she was, pulling at its eye and causing it to screech in annoyance.

The demonic crab released its hold on the Red Bluster's horn but continued to pinch Rayne in its other claw. Maisie shrieked as she was launched forward by the monsters bucking motions and fell a great distance before landing in the ocean. Rayne screamed the girl's name and felt her throat tighten when Maisie didn't pop up from the water.

Rayne uselessly banged her fists against the crab's claw that held her tight between the pinchers and cursed the creature to oblivion. The Red Bluster shook its head for a time before charging at the crab and biting into the arm the clasped Rayne at its end. 

In a second, she was released and fell toward the water. Saving herself from a painful smack, Rayne dove, her body through the water.

With the help of Jacob's spear embedded in the purple crab, Red sunk her teeth into the crustacean and launched it through the air. The beaten creature retreated as Red released a victorious growl.

The waters calmed with the absence of battling monsters, and Jacob searched the waters for Maisie and Rayne. He had no doubt the siren was alright, but that didn't help his worry in the slightest. 

Slowly, a dark shadow rose toward the ocean's surface and the hunter heaved with relief. A tired Maisie was pulled by Blue through the water, with Rayne following after them.

Jacob pulled the two into the boat, and (after checking on Maisie) with a soft smile, he pulled Rayne into his arms. Rayne melted into the man and held him just as tightly. They both released tired chuckles before pressing their foreheads together, relishing in the short moment of peace.

Noticing the water seeping into the skiff, Jacob pulled away and said, "We have to go back."

"We'll never make it," Maisie stressed.

Jacob picked up a bucket and handed it to her. "Depends on how fast you can bail."

Maisie poured out one bucket of water before noticing the red beast beside them. "Maybe Red can take us."

"Back to the island?"

The girl stood up, her task pushed aside while Jacob rowed. "No, back home!"

Jacob groaned as he used his entire body to move the oars. "You have really lost it."

"She saved us from that thing, didn't she?"

His paddling stopped. "Wait... she... are you... I think I did the saving, right?" Jacob looked, with lines decorating his face, from Maisie to Rayne. "I mean, I threw the, the..." He stuttered as Rayne shook her head 'no'. "Get bailing! The water's comin' in!"

"Maisie, I think we should ask Red to take us home." Rayne smiled sweetly at the girl and soaked up Jacob's dramatic grumbles as he continued his rowing.

Maisie stood up quickly and dropped the pail. "I completely agree." Turning toward the Bluster, she shouted, "Hey! Red!"

Jacob's eyes went wide, causing Rayne to laugh, as the Bluster turned to look straight at Maisie. The intelligent girl she is, Maisie used Blue and fruits to illustrate how she wanted Red to carry them home.

"This is useless," Jacob said. Rayne simply rolled her eyes. What neither human knew was that Red understood what they were all saying, no matter Maisie's thoughtful theatrics. Red looked out to the horizon and then sunk into the ocean. "Well, if she does understand ya, she don't wanna help. Bright side? She didn't eat ya. Now, get bailing."

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