Chapter Sixteen: A Night on the Town.

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"Breathe Nia, just breathe." She crouched in front of me, concern written in her eyes and I let her guide me through the numbing hazy and shock of a panic attack.

"They tortured my parents. They admitted it." She nodded.

"I heard." She stood up straight and leaned against the wall, as I tilted my head back to stare at the stars and let the evening breeze wash over me; pacifying me.

"I can help, all you need to do is come with me." I groaned not another proposition.

"I'm remembering in my dreams. every night since you told me who you are. I see everything you've done and all the chaos you've caused; both in heaven and on earth." She stood there, silently looking at me and I could see her weighing up what to say next.

"That's where you're wrong. Yes I've done terrible things in your eyes, but all those dreams you've been having are not actually dreams, they're your memories. They are what you have done, in past reincarnations when you were with me." I shook my head vigorously in denial.

"Angels don't die."

"Not like humans no. We can heal from anything, being creations of pure energy, but if our wounds are so extensive, we often loose a piece of who we are. In effect we loose our memories. Our bodies don't change, neither do they age." She came up and caressed my cheek, even though the thought of her touching me was repulsive.

"You were obliterated by the archangels, after your quest to by the seraphim to stop me failed. They couldn't bring you back to heaven, but they managed to hide you from me. They put you in the body of an infant at the orphanage. Before I could find you, two primalupuses Marcie and Steve Raven came across you and adopted you, as their own. I believe that once they found out what you were, they used a glamour to mask you're traits and then hid you in a small human town. I don't know if they ever had any contact or help from the angels themselves."

"I remember falling." I said in a wide eye daze, the words slipping out on their own accord.

"Yes the fall to earth is beyond any humans comprehension and was seared into every exiles memory."

"Why are you doing this?" She didn't answer my question, either because she thought it was pointless or because she just choose not to; instead she started to walk away.

"One more thing Nia, if you want to see your precious soul-mate alive again, you will meet me in the college woods tonight or she will never live long enough to shift under a full moon again." She spoke over her shoulder, before dismissing me and walked away, until the gloom of the alleyway swallowed her. As soon as she was gone I raced towards the alley mouth and once as I was clear of the buildings on either side, I released my wings and soared in to the dusk; heading back to the college as fast as I could. I needed to find Samantha.


I woke up in a bare concrete room that had iron bars on the single narrow window and a thick steel door with a tiny peep hole. As soon as I stirred, I heard the sound of the bolts being drawn on the other side and as door opened two fallen angels entered.

"I told you she was awake." They grabbed me roughly under the arms and hauled me up into a slumped sitting position, in the corner of the room. A third figure entered and I vaguely recognized her through the drugged veil that still covered my sight. Whatever they had given me must have been strong, as even my fast metabolism was having trouble processing it.

"She's all yours, I want her broken as soon as possible." The third figure left the room and as soon as soon she had departed the two thugs set about trying to bring my wolf out. One of them lunched a fist right in to my stomach and I fell forward, curled up into a protective ball. The blows didn't stop there.

Heaven's Eclipse: Star-crossed Fate.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant