Chapter Fourteen: The Exile.

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I was standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom twisting side to side, so I could see how the wings merged seamlessly in to my back and how they copied the path of where my scars were, just set a little higher. It looked like I'd once had four wings and lived in heaven. All exiles were once angels from heaven that had fled to earth, after the failed rebellion, but I didn't remember being in any war. I didn't remember falling to earth. I didn't remember anything. What ever cast had been on me, hiding my true identity, was so powerful that it had completely masked me from everyone around me; which would explain what Maara had been talking about trying to find me. I wanted answers and I had a feeling that Maara was the only one who could give me any answers. She was in the wind right now, but had said that she would come for me, when she wanted me.

My feathers were white with the quill stems pink. The whole feather went from pink, through to white and got so light the edges seemed almost translucent in the natural light streaming in through my open window. The top edges of my wings had tiny fluffy feathers, that reminded me of a chick's stumpy wing. The overall wing structure was physical, but really light and the almost transparent the feathers seemed so filmy and thin. It was surprising the whole set up could actually carry any weight at all, let alone mine. I reached up to stroke the unctuous texture of the silky wings and watched as they snapped back into their correct positions. All of a sudden a vision over laid my sight and the room I was standing in faded into a incoherent blur; as tunnel vision took over my eyes.


All of the seraphim looked down with judging, reckoning eyes at the rejected angel before them. Being gods and goddesses they were the pinnacle of all power and authority in heaven. They hung harmoniously in the air, their wings perfectly still, spread out and forming a large semi-circle of cold emptiness, disconnecting the angel before them from heaven. They had been here since the dawn of humanity, governing the heaven's, so far removed from their past human emotions, that there was only coldness and a deep calculating perception left. For who dared feel, when the weight of billions of souls rested in your charge. They were of the highest ranking angels in paradise and no one had ever dared go against their authority; until one angel did. Until Maara had.

Today it all came to an end for her. Together the serephim spoke in union and their voices easily carried over the powers of angels, who had all gathered to witness the public execution of Maara. The heaven's were still recovering from her attempt to lead a rebellion against the seraphim. To claim heaven in her own name and send the earth back into its dark ages, with rains of hellfire and floods.

Thankfully the rebellion had been too weak to destroy the seraphim, but it hadn't lost without delivering a mortal blow to the gods and goddesses and hence the balance of all life. Even so far removed for their emotions, they still felt the loss of one of their own, among their circle. It powered the deliverance behind their words, combined into one singular voice, that was usually the most enchanting and musical sound every time it rang out across the heavens; but now it only carried a resonating tone of sinister finality. The threat of unbridled supremacy.

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