Prologue: The fall of sins.

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Falling through the sky; my body tumbling over and over out of control, I reach out blindly at the empty air around me. I'm a mass of failing limbs and whipping hair, trying to grab onto something, anything to steady myself and slow my rapid descent; or to at least stabilize it from this dizzying swirl of blues and greens. Through my watering eyes I see the blurred patches of landscape greenery looming closer, beginning to take on the form of terrain and flora. My wet hair is plastered to my forehead from my free-fall through the atmosphere and my clothes are soaked from the clouds, chilling myself to the bones; making me shiver uncontrollably. I uselessly again try and right myself with numb limbs, as the landscape below me looms ever closer; close enough now for me to now make out the trees and vegetation that are rising up to meet my wounded body.

As I twist around futilely, pain radiates across my back, making me cry out from the stabbing ache that over-rides my otherwise numb body. The agonized cry is whipped away from my mouth, smothered by the winds and silenced into nothing by the crescendo around me in the infinite blue sky. Not that anyone was around to hear me anyway. I couldn't remember what had happened to me, to cause such pain. My mind was as numb as my body.

I try to reach round to feel my back, but my body has a thin build up of ice forming on my face and the exposed skin of my arms and my fingertips are turning a sickening shade of black; with the rest of my skin pallor taking on a deathly blue tinge. Salty tears stream their way down my raw and rosy cheeks, where they too freeze. The frozen and cold tears blur my vision and sting the corners of my eyes. My hair is a streaming banner behind me. All this movement makes my back once again erupt in to a torment of agony, as I try to move and save myself. In the recesses of my brain it feels like I'm missing something. The pain is so intense, that this time spots of grey and black dance into my vision and darkness encroaches on the sides of my peripheral sight. My throbbing head adds to the disorientation, as I struggle to stay conscious and just as the land looms even closer, a whisper is carried on the wind; its faint but distinct lilting words ringing through the wind and into my ears somehow.

'Heaven above and earth below,

The sun and moon are bright and doom.

Follow your heart to do your part.

Let the light and the sight be your might,

And visions be your decisions,

To use your talents to restore the balance.'

And then finally darkness swallows me and I know no more. I slump into a deep unconsciousness; seconds before I impact the ground. I have arrived. I have come to Earth.

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