Chapter 3: Let The Prank War Begin

Start from the beginning

"Wow, I guess your just like your brother." I teased as she bumped me on my shoulder. As we FINALLY park our car beside a huge mall, we already see tons of our fans. "Oh have you posted any videos today with your hair?" She nodded. "WHEN DID YOU HAVE TIME TO MAKE A VLOG?!?!?!"

"If I'm a girl that doesn't mean that I take forever to get ready so for about 5 minutes I said what happened and I can't wait for tomorrow." We came out of our car and headed toward the mall. She kept looking around and I looked down at her hand and I finally came close enough to make our hands touch. We walked around hand in hand and the first shop we went in is Victoria Secret of course.

"Hey can you help me hold there things?" She handed me a ton of underwear and some bikinis and some clothes I guess. I felt really awkward but I guess I would do anything for Roxy.

"I guess I'm done looking around." She said like she was kinda tired. She ended up paying somewhere around 1,000 dollars but she has money like she grows them on trees. As we walked around the mall and got some girly clothes for her i guess we were almost done. "Hey let's buy something for you AND I need 3 more iPods and 2 more computers and 7 new phones."

"But babe where would you get the money from?" Oh shit did I just call her babe?

"I have enough money for everything you want." We walked around and got a ton more clothes for me and I was really tired because our car is kinda filled with clothes. Also we need to get electronics from best buy. I looked at my phone and saw it was already 7:30 pm. Wow time goes fast when you shop with the person you love. We got in our car which is filled with bags. We headed toward best buy and we saw ton of people waving at us. We were smiling at everyone but I got tired and so did she so we didn't even react to them in the last 2 minutes of the car ride.

"WE ARE HERE!!!" I yelled in my baby voice which made her smile.

We went in the shop and we got 7 iPhone 6, 2 laptops, 3 iPods touch. We also got some stuff for recording and got some games and horror movies. I guess the seven iPhone 6 were for The Pack and Roxy.

(Time skip till they pay and get home)

When we went in the garage, all of the guys cars were there and I guess they have been home like for hours. Before she could open the truck, I grabbed her waist and kissed her. I felt fireworks around us and I felt like she was the one for me.

"Do you want to be my gf Roxy?" She nodded yes and I got a small box behind me with a beautiful golden ring. She looked at me in shock but I didn't care how much it costs.

"You know you didn't have to buy me a golden ring."

"I know but look if you wear it for long enough, there would be a heart on your finger." She smiled and kissed my cheek and she took most of the bags but I only took about 10 bags with my clothes but she took like 52 bags of her stuff including all of the electronics. We heard the guys talking in the living room so I thought to show everything we bought.

"HEY GUYS GET YOUR ASSES TO ROXYS ROOM AND WE WILL SHOW YOU WHAT WE GOT!!!" I yelled with all of my might and me and Roxy ran off to her room which was the largest room in the house. We dropped all of the stuff on the floor and started to unpack. She holder the phones which are wrapped in paper for a surprise for the guys.

"Ok you can get inside the room!" She yelled as the door flew open and the guys lined up on the wall.

"Wow Roxy and Preston had gotten a lot of new things for them." Jerome said with a sad face.

"Yes but we got something for you guys too." She handed them a box which they didn't know since she wrapped it and she said it be careful with the box.

"Ok on the count of three you open the box one...two.........three!" There was a loud noise of paper ripping and all of us ran to her and hugged her as they saw the new phones. "Oh and by the way we hacked into your guys phones so every one of you still have everything on this phone from your last phone." She said like she is a total nerd.

"Oh and there is another surprise for you guys!!!" I said as I kissed Roxy on her cheek.

"OMG IT WORKED GUYS!!!" Each one of them yelled at the same time and gave high fives to each other.

"So you were on this too?" She looked confused as we all nodded.

"How do you think Preston found out that you hate bronze and silver?" Mitch said as she gave him a huge hug and kicked the guys out of the room but I was left in her room to help rip all the tags off and put her clothes in her closet.

Right before I could do more of hanging clothes I just blacked out.

(Roxy's POV)

I was putting away clothes and I saw the tired Preston just fall on my bed. I guess he blacked out. I put him under my covers and I put the rest of the clothes in the closet and laid down beside him on the floor and put an alarm for 5:00 am in the morning but it was already like 12:00 am so I just fell asleep as fast as lightning.

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