Blackfyre victories

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           -in the Land of Lightning-

The kages had taken the option of a costly war of attrition against the invading forces. They chose to leave Menma Namikaze and those that followed him to their fate. Then, upon the insistence of the 4th Raikage, they attacked the Blackfyre forces in the Land of Lightning. All the four kages of the Hidden Villages along with tens of thousands of ninjas and other soldiers fought against the much superior Blackfyre army, navy and air force.

''Lariat bolt of pain: chop!'' the Raikage had destroyed an imperial armored personnal carrier with his signature attack and the imperial troopers opened fire at him. The lightning armor managed to protect the Raikage from bullets but armor piercing shots and artillery shells were a different story. The 5th Kazekage used sand to stop the artillery shells and the Raikage saw his opening. ''I'll show you what happens when you invade the Cloud when I'm around!'' the Raikage then charged at the next Blackfyre troops.

''Be careful! There's a sharpshooter over there.'' Kakashi warned the other ninja as a hidden sniper was on them. Kakashi pulled his forehead protector up and used his implanted sharingan to trace the sniper. ''Focus. Focus.'' Kakashi saw him and used the Kamui to destroy the rifle. ''We're clear. Let's go!'' Kakashi ordered and the ninjas advanced.

Daemon Blackfyre, aboard his flagship, saw the ninjas advancing against the well trained troops. Not too surprising since the four kages were here. ''Lord Daemon.'' the voice of his concubine, Pakura, called him. ''Your knights are ready, my lord.'' she informed him.

''Will you fight alongside me once more in the field of battle, Pakura?'' Daemon asked. The answer was obvious.

''Always and forever, my lord. To make it even better, Sand ninja are there so that's a bonus.'' Pakura replied and she joined her lord to face the enemy.

The helicopters descended down with more walkers and tanks and reinforce the falling army lines. The shots from imperial warships had taken out the large summoning creatures and they retreated back to their own realm. The knights disembarked from the copters and went to face the ninjas. Pakura was alongside her master and shot hot fireballs at the ninjas. Daemon Blackfyre, the Black Dread of Magog, the dragon-borne, prince of destruction, took out his sword and went to face the kages himself. The four kages sensed Daemon's extremely powerful chakra and were taken slightly back by it.

'This chakra... it's even stronger than the nine tailed fox.' Kakashi thought in slight horror and he saw a white haired man just slightly older than Naruto face. Seeing the man, Kakashi noticed that there were traces of his student's chakra on him.

''Kakashi Hatake the copy-ninja, 5th Hokage. A, 4th Raikage... Baki, 5th Kazekage and Jiro, 4th Tsuchikage.'' Daemon called out the names of his opponent's and smirked. He got to fight four kage level ninjas. ''My name is prince Daemon Blackfyre. I am Naruto Uchiha's cousin. I hope you four aren't exactly... pushovers.'' rhe prince said and his sword blazed with purple chakra. The kages charged at the Blackfyre and they fought.

         -in the Hidden Stone village-

''Fire at the falling ninjas!'' an army captain ordered and the machine gun nests situated on the building tops fited. The ninjas, samurai and peasant conscripts who jumped out of the airships fell by the dozens.

''Get up there and blow those junks out of the sky!'' an air force commander ordered his pilots and they swiftly went to their fighters.

Many ninjas and soldiers, however, survived the machine gun fire and landed. The massacre was just beginning. The Blackfyre imperial troopers were stationed in the buildings for an event like this and they shot the peasant conscripts, samurai and ninjas. The machine gun nests on the ground fired dozens of bullets, tanks came to provide cover fire and walkers too came. The mortars and artillery cannons blew dozens of them to death. Choji Akimichi came down and grew to over fifteen feet. He made his hands bigger and tore the buildings and tanked the shota from mortars, tanks and artillery. Choji came to wrestle with a light walker but the imperial troops took advantage and shot him at his weak points. Shikamaru Nara managed to came down and aid his friend before the imperial troopers killed him.

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