Consolidating power

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       -Foundation Base, Hidden Leaf-

Minato along with four ANBU infiltrated the Foundation HQ. The Foundation being a part of the normal ANBU but they dealt with missions the regular ANBU dared not to do. Their members were all children taken by Danzo and have been trained and brainwashed by the old warhawk. Now though, Minato was there to arrest Danzo. The fire daimyo had contacted Minato and informed the Hokage of Danzo's secret, unsanctioned missions. One of them which killed the daimyo's father and brother. Minato suspected this was Itachi's doing but it mattered not. Danzo had to be arrested.

''Minato. I wasn't informed you would be coming here.'' Danzo said to the 4th Hokage. ''I heard Menma and Mito were going on a training trip with Jiraiya. I am certain it'll go well. Is there anything you need from me?''

''The fire daimyo has possession of information, Danzo. Information about how you authorized missions without either Sarutobi's or my knowledge.''

''What are you talking about, Minato? I ordered nothing.'' Danzo defended himself. 'Itachi, is this your doing? Your little revenge for the false accusations against Naruto?'

''As such, for violating the constitution of the Leaf, the one the village founders created, I am arresting you, Danzo.''

''You can't do this!'' Danzo roared in anger. ''The Leaf needs me!''

''It does not and it never will, Danzo.'' Minato bluntly told the old warhawk. ''It's way past your retirement anyways.''

''It's treason, then. Foundation!'' Danzo shouted and the four ANBU Minato brought attacked the Hokage. They were his secret agents all along. ''Hurry! Get the files, the spare sharingans and anything of value. Then blow this place up.''

''Yes, lord Danzo.'' a Foundation ninja said and the entire secret military force he created moved hurridly. Minato killed the last of the ones attacking him and he saw Danzo along with six more Foundation nin standing in a tight formation.

''You will regret this, Minato.'' Danzo said and he and his forces escaped via the reverse summoning jutsu.

''Damn it.'' Minato cursed at his inability to eliminate Danzo. Now, he had no choice but to put him on the bingo book.

         -Village Hidden in the Mist-

The Blackfyre forces were there to militarily occupy the village till Naruto could use his jutsu. In his personal room aboard his cousin's flagship, Naruto was on his bed with Yugito and Hinata by his side. A few experiments on Tsunade Senju yielded successful results. Thanks to the Uzumaki clan sealing jutsus and the grimoire, Naruto was able to make Tsunade young again, to her early thirties. Her womb was also much more fertile. It was funny to Naruto how the Uchiha and Senju hated each other for so long and yet now, the last Senju who was also his great grandfather's rival, was now his mindless puppet.

''Who do you serve, Tsunade? What is your only purpose in life?'' Naruto asked her even though he knew the answer. He simply wished to play with his toys.

''You, master.'' Tsunade answered in a submissive tone. ''I serve my master, lord Naruto Uchiha and my only purpose in life is to serve him.''

''Heh. Uchiha and Senju, hating and warring with each other for centuries but the last Senju is now the servant of an Uchiha. Strip her, Temari and Kurotsuchi.'' Naruto ordered his two servants to strip Tsunade and they did so. After that, they stood back in their attention positions. ''On the bed, Tsunade.'' Naruto ordered and the Senju did so. ''Hehehe, that toad Jiraiya is gonna be so jealous if he finds out I am doing this, hehe.'' Naruto said, chuckling to himself as he touched Tsunade's breasts and sucking it, drinking her breastmilk.

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