Blood Prison

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         -Village Hidden in the Grass-

''Is everything in set?'' crown prince Daemon Blackfyre asked a captain.

''Yes sir. Artillery is in place, copters ready and troops armed.'' the captain replied.

''Time for our first military victory in the east, captain.'' Daemon said as he looked at the Hidden Grass. It was night and Daemon wanted to see the strength of ninjas. ''Now.''

''NOW!'' the captain shouted and snipers shot the wall guards dead. Then, artillery cannons fired and the shells exploded inside the city. As Grass ninja prepared to fight, the copters came in. The guns blasted the ninjas dead and the village gate was destroyed. Tanks and armored transporters came in and hundreds of imperial soldiers. The imperial troopers of Magog armed with rifles, pistols, knives and grenades charged, tearing down Grass ninjas. But leading this charge was prince Daemon with his longsword and battle axe.

Daemon made a war cry and hit an incoming Grass ninja in the head with his axe. He sliced another ninja in half, beheaded another incoming ninja, dodged a sword swing and hit the Grass ninja with the axe. Daemon cut a second ninja and then decapitated the other ninja who fell down after being hit with his axe. A fireball was shot and Daemon swung his sword which sent the fireball away. He put down his axe and took out a spear, throwing it and impaling a Grass ninja. Daemon used his acrobatic body and avoided a spear attack. He tanked a wind jutsu and cut the jutsu caster. Daemon moved fast and killed another Grass ninja while blocking an incoming strike. He punched a ninja down and stabbed the ninja dead. A female Grass ninja tried to run, throwing a barrel at Daemon but the prince cut it to pieces.

Daemon then stabbed the Grass ninja and moved to the left to avoid a water bullet. Daemon did a flip and beheaded two more ninjas. He thrusted his axe to a ninja's stomach and then stabbed him in the brain. Daemon blocked a sword strike with his axe and killed the ninja with his sword. Daemon them moved on to kill more. He thrusted his axe and hit a ninja in the shoulder. He continued moving, trapping a ninja and cutting his throat. Daemon also pushed a Grass ninja down, cut two more in the ribs and then stabbed the fallen ninja.

The warships of Magog came flying down from the skies and the victory flag was raised over the village. The Grass ninjas surrendered as high government officials narrowly escaped with about a hundred loyal ninjas. Soldiers stood proudly as the copters began to slowly bring new fortification on the village walls. Daemon stood proudly with Pakura and Daena besides him. His first victory in the east and Magog had a base of operations now.

It was about this time Sasuke Uchiha had defected for Orochimaru and the Sound.

      -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

''You know, Sasuke...'' began Naruto, ''... when we were seven years old, after the massacre, I came to you with some deserts. I told you that we could maybe work together, grow stronger together... as clansmen, as brothers but you rejected that. Now, there is officially only one Uchiha.'' Naruto coldly told Sasuke and walked to the Hokage. Naruto took his pay and flash stepped home.

Sasuke was taken away. No longer a ninja. Just a regular person who could not mold chakra and a traitor in the eyes of the people who spoiled him in his youth. Sasuke knew that the only reason the Leaf would possibly have any use for him was to collect his sperm but it was uncertain. For him, this was a fate worse than death.

(Naruto's home)

''You called for me, master?'' Kin Tsuchi asked as Naruto had requested her. Upon her master's orders, she arrived. Her eyes widened and she gasped in shock as standing before her was Tayuya. ''T-T-T-Tayuya!? What are you- argh!'' Tayuya did not respond with words but by choking Kin and lifting her up. ''Tayuya, it's me, Kin.'' Then, the red head kissed her and threw her down.

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