The Day Together

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Claire's Point of View

Arriving back at Amelie's house, I got out first and went inside. I really need a drink. I thought. I looked through the fridge but it was empty, then I looked through the cupboards, anywhere that could have any blood bags in.

"You're thirsty." Amelie said, coming up behind me.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged. Amelie gives some sort of signal to the guard, then he leaves.

"He's going to get you something." Amelie said. I kept looking through the drawers. I guess I was really thirsty. Amelie spun me around and tidied up my hair. "Relax. He won't take long."

"Easy for you to say, your better at this." I said.

"I get cravings, too." Amelie replied. Just as soon as she has finished the guard came back with a bag full of blood bags. Amelie took one out and handed it to me.

"Is that bags for me?" I asked.

"No, I ran out yesterday. Here." Amelie answered. I took the bag and closing my eyes (I'm still not used to this) I bit into the bag and drained it dry in seconds. "Would you like another one?"

I opened my eyes and shook my head, throwing the bag in the bin. "I'm good."

"Good. Now you can have your wish." Amelie said and turned to the guard. "Leave us." The guard nodded and went to another room somewhere. "Come up to my bedroom."

"Um, sure." After a bit of hesitation, I followed her upstairs.

Amelie closed the door and I stood there, awkwardly.  "Sit down please." She said and motioned to the bed. I looked to the bed and sat down, starting to have a inkling of what might happen.

"So, um... What are we going to do?" I asked, fiddling with my hands.

"Nothing, if you so choose." Amelie replied. "Suggest something though and I'll make it work."

She wasn't suggesting what I think she is suggesting... My hands were getting sweaty and I wiped them on my trousers. "Um, well we could just sit here and talk..."

"Then I might as well be interrogating Christopher some more. We can talk anytime." Amelie said, cutting in on my sentence.

She is suggesting what I think she is suggesting! Or is she? I'm not much of a mind reader, so I couldn't know for sure that Amelie was thinking what I think I was thinking.

Or maybe she was thinking what- I really need to stop this! Amelie apparently thought my internal argument was amusing, because she smiled... just a bit. She didn't smile, like properly smile much, even around me.

"You're debating something with yourself. What is it?" Amelie asked.

"Oh um... Just wondering if you are thinking what I am thinking..." I trailed off, looking at the floor.

"Well, I can't read minds but I think I may have made myself fairly clear. You are the smartest in town... Apart from Myrnin."

"Oh. Okay, then." I really didn't know what to say...

Amelie took that as she turned my head towards her and kissed me.

I was a little shocked, but quickly returned. Amelie pushed me back onto the bed and with a slight feral look in her eyes, she started taking off my clothes.


Amelie's Point of View

When I woke up, it was night time and there is incessant knocking coming from the front door. I lay there for a while, but it didn't go away and no-one seemed inclined to answer the door.

Getting out of bed, I went into the shower to wash off the smell of Claire. If it was Oliver, I can't have him jumping to conclusions.

After I had a shower and changed into presentable, but comfortable clothes I brushed my hair and went downstairs. The knocking hadn't stopped once and I opened the door to Myrnin, who pushed past me into the office. Of course, I thought. Only Myrnin would would knock until his fingers bled.

"What do you want?" I asked, coming into the office.

"Oliver said to come to the Coffee shop. We managed to get more information after lying to Christopher about some things."

"And you couldn't call me?"

"He tried, apparently." Myrnin said. "But you weren't answering and no-one would answer the door."

I would be annoyed that the maids and the assistants hadn't taken care of visitors, but it was most probably a blessing in disguise. Any one of them could have forced their way in. "So you want me to come now?"

"It would be beneficial." Myrnin replied. I sighed and went to collect some of my things. I feel that I would be with Oliver for a while. "Claire!"

I turned around and saw Claire in a green zip up hoodie and blue trousers. "Um... Hi."

"Why are you wearing that? I'm pretty sure you were wearing something different."  Myrnin asked.

Before Claire could possibly say anything undesirable I said, "It was in the washing machine and it shrunk."

"Both of her clothes?" Myrnin asked.

"Yes. I'm not having the maid wash each item of clothing individually."

"Why? You can make sure it gets cleaner." Myrnin started one of his rambles, explaining the marvels of washing machines.

"Coms on, let's go. We wouldn't want to keep Oliver waiting, would we?" I pushed Myrnin through the door.

"Well that would just be tragic." He said and spun around. "Why does Claire smell like you?"

"Because she does." I opened the door and pushed Myrnin through it. "Lets go now. Guards." I called and four of them appeared from the house. "Drive us to Common Grounds." They opened the door and before Myrnin could say another word (he was quite close to it) I pushed him in and got in myself then the guards drove to the Coffee shop.

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