The Room

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Claire's Point of View

I sat in Common Grounds, stirring my drink and thinking of what flowers I should buy. But my mind always took me back to what I said to Amelie.

I couldn't help but feel guilty, but I really had to do this. I couldn't lose Michael as a friend, just because Amelie wanted me to come to her whenever she wants.

I thought again about if red, white and yellow flowers would be a good idea, but my mind took me back again. I sighed. I have to apologize or it wouldn't leave my mind. I finished my mocha and left, noticing Oliver giving me a glance on the way out.

I decided to run to Founder's Square; I wanted this to be over and done with. Amelie could call me as much as she liked, once the funeral was done with.

Arriving at the car park in a matter of minutes, I walked up to the door. But before I could open it, someone else opened it... with Amelie following.

"Amelie? Can I talk with you for a minute?" I asked. Amelie said nothing, she just stared ahead blankly and followed the guy. "Amelie?"

"Amelie's coming with me. She will be back in a few hours." The guy said, opening the door and Amelie got in.

"Wait, who are you?" I demanded. I knocked on the window, but Amelie took no notice, whatsoever.

"It's none of your concern. She'll be back. Promise." The guy said and got into the car and drove off.

I stood there, shocked. What on Earth on wrong with Amelie? It looked like she was in a trance. I went back inside the building and went up to the Secretary. "Where's Amelie going?"

"I don't know, she didn't say." She replied.

"Did the guy say anything?" I demanded.

"What guy? The Founder just walked out by herself and didn't say anything." She said, then went back to work.

I went back outside, feeling helpless. Some part of me blamed my behaviour towards her earlier, but that was impossible. Amelie wouldn't be like that. I'm sure she had plenty of boyfriends and possibly girlfriends, that said they didn't want to be with her.

I ran to Common Grounds and must have slammed the door on the wall, in my hurry. "Oliver, I need to talk to you." I grabbed his arm and he pulled back, as expected. But this was urgent.

"Do not touch me. What is it?"

"Amelie got in a car with this guy but when I tried to talk to her, she wouldn't listen. It was like she was in trance." I said, quietly as there were students nearby. Not that they would really care if they heard.

Oliver sighed and told his helper to take over. "Come to the office."

I got there first. Even though there was a chair, I was too restless to sit still. "Do you think it's because I told her, I didn't want to be near her as much anymore? Do you think she's gone off with someone else?"

"What on Earth makes you think that? Amelie isn't childish. She has better things to do, than spite you." Oliver picked up a few papers and sat down. "Who was with her?"

"This kinda tall guy with dark hair... Amelie said to stay away from him, because she didn't trust him."

"Then why do you think she would go off with him?" Oliver asked and shook his head. "You went to see her earlier. Did she look off to you?"

"No. Well, maybe. Aren't we going to do something?" I felt as if something very bad would happen, the longer we waited.

"Why would I want to do something? She's your girlfriend, not mine." Oliver stood and left but not before saying, "Ask that crazy friend of yours. He's needs something better to do, otherwise I'll break his neck."

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