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Claire's Point of View

When we got back to Founder's Square, Amelie is instantly crowded and asked questions about where she was and what had happened when she had walked off. Amelie just said she had been out with the guy and it had got complicated. Then she walked off.

After a few minutes, thinking whether to follow her, I did. Call me clingy, but I didn't want to be away from her for long... Not after I... well me and Myrnin had got her back.

Walking up the stairs to her office I found her usual two guards outside. I went to open the door, but the guard on the left stopped me. "You're not allowed in. The Founder has to sort things out."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind seeing me." I said, trying again, but this time he pushed me back.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind you waiting here, until she has finished her business." He said. I sighed finding no point in getting on the guards bad side. I might need him to help me some other time.

As I was walking away, the office door opened. "Claire, you can come in." Amelie said. I turned around and quickly walked in, not wanting to be in grabbing distance of the vampire guards.

Inside the office, Oliver stood with his back to the wall. He didn't look pleased to see me.

"This is a private matter. I don't see why you need your pet here."

"Well, she was the one who came looking for me, not just shrugged it off as being Claire's problem." Amelie said, sitting down and sorting out the files. Whoever had placed them there hadn't been very careful. They were all over the place and some had fallen onto the floor. I picked them up and gave them to Amelie. "Thank you."

"I'm sure you could have dealt with that boy on your own. No need to cause a panic." Oliver said.

"Why would you cause a panic?" Amelie asked, looking through the folder and sorting the papers.

"People would notice I'm gone. They never pay attention to Myrnin or Claire. I don't think anyone knows he exists."

Amelie looked up and glared at Oliver. Maybe it was because of what he said about Myrnin, but I was getting that I was expendable because no-one would miss me.

"What do you want, Oliver? I know you didn't just come to see if I am alright." Amelie asked.

"I will tell you. If you tell your pet to leave."

"Claire is not my pet and she has a name. So I guess it's not that important, because Claire is staying a while."

"Do you need me for anything?" I asked.

"Yes. Oliver can wait."

"No, I can't. Send your pet out and I will talk to you." Oliver said, crossing his arms.

"She's not my pet." Amelie said, sounding annoyed.

"You do whatever she says, without question. It's the same with her. That's what pets do. Now tell her to leave."

"No." Amelie said, simply.

"I'm not a pet." I said, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Amelie's desk.

"No-one asked you to talk." Oliver said. After seeing Amelie wasn't going to make any move to tell me to leave and I wasn't budging, he came up and grabbed my arm and dragged me out. This was one of the time I wished I was stronger. I tried getting my arm out but he wasn't budging. He pushed the guards out of the way when they tried to stop him, but before he could open the door, Amelie had again against the wall with a sickening dull crack. Oliver groaned.

"You do not touch her." She said, her eyes crimson red. She let go and went back to her chair.

"Of course, my lady." Oliver said, with maybe a hint of a sarcasm in his voice.

"Claire, sit down. You," Amelie said, to Oliver. "Leave now. Or I will break something else." Oliver didn't seem happy, but with a glare he walked out and slammed the door. I took a seat and fiddled with a stray thread on my top. Amelie sighed, then said. "How did you know where to find me?"

"Um... Well... I guessed that the guy would take you somewhere, where he won't be disturbed."

"Right. Well, I need to go down and tell the secretary that I need to see Myrnin."

"I can get him for you... If you want." I said, looking up then down again and fiddling with my hands. The thought of leaving Amelie made me feel like a part of me was missing. Gosh, what is wrong with me? I thought.

"Claire." I looked up. When I was in my own world Amelie had gotten up and now was standing to the side of me. I stood up but with a (hard) push Amelie made me sit down again. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, uh nothing. Just... Really nothing."

"Tell me. I know there's the matter with you." Amelie said, brushing hair out of my face.

"It's just... I missed you." I said.

"I did, too. But they're is something else."

"Amelie, I have come from my hug!" Myrnin's voice shouted from the other side of the door. Amelie rolled her eyes and went out of the door. I breathed a sigh of relief. I still felt intimidated with Amelie standing so close to me (when we were in the bedroom it was different), I guess the guards made it weird. "Can I have my hug now?"

"No. I need to talk with you." Amelie replied.

"I need my hug, first. You promised once you get settled again I can get my hug. I missed you to, you know."

"Myrnin-" Amelie began to say then stopped. I got up and speed walked to the door and opened. Amelie pushed past me and closed the door. Myrnin was staring at someone downstairs.

"What is it?" I asked, going to look myself. When I looked downstairs, I couldn't believe it.

Christopher is here. He's alive.

Hope you like this chapter, I got it up way earlier than the last chapter :D

Dun dun dunnn Christopher is ALIVE... Well sort of.

Review please! Very appreciated!

Depressing Days (Morganville Vampires)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora