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Amelie's Point of View

After I arrived at Founder's Square, I went up to my office and told the guards to bring Claire to me. Once they left, I sat down and looked through the files that had been left on my desk.

"Founder?" The Secretary from downstairs said, knocking on the door.

"Come in."

"There's a guy here to see you." She said. That was strange. I have no appointments, but at least he wasn't barging in.

"Show him in." I said. I closed the files and the person walked in. He was the same man I saw when I left Common Grounds. "Leave us." The Secretary nodded and closed the door. "What's your name?"


"Why were you outside Common Grounds?"

"I'm just enjoying the air. I don't like crowds and it looked crowded in there." Christopher took a pen off the desk and twirled.

I took it off him and touched his skin by mistake, which I shouldn't have; I pulled back quickly like I had electrified.

"Are you alright, Founder?" Christopher asked. I nodded.

"Put the pen down." I said. The door knocked and the Secretary came back in.

"Founder, your guards have brought back Claire Danvers. Shall I show her in?"

"Yes, please." The Secretary nodded and walked away. I looked back at Christopher, who was giving me an off feeling. I didn't like it. "You can go now, Christopher. Make an appointment with me later, if it's important."

"I will." He stood and I put the folders in the drawer, when he grabbed my hand and whispered,

"I know who your affections lie with, Amelie. If she ever turns you away you know where to find me." I took my hand back and the guards dragged him away, before he could say anything else. A shiver ran down my spine.

Claire's Point of View

The guards opened the door, then pushed me inside when I wouldn't move. I couldn't help but feel bad about not wanting to be near Amelie, but I just wanted to sort out the funeral and not lose Michael.

"Sit down." Amelie said. I sat down heavy in the chair. "How are the preparations for the funeral going?"

"If you just wanted to chat, couldn't you do it later? You seem to have a lot of free time lately." I crossed my arms, not caring if it looked defiant.

"It's not the only reason I called you here. I want you back at my house."

"That's not going to happen. I like staying with Myrnin, he lets me go out."

"Is that the only reason?" Amelie asked, staring straight at me. I shifted, a bit anxiously.

"And it's not awkward because Myrnin's a guy. There I said it." I looked down.

"You didn't seem to find it awkward the last times you were with me."

"Yeah, because I am good at hiding things. Like you. I do still like you, it's just..." I sighed and looked at the vampire statues on either side of the door. "Do they have to be here?"

"They have heard other things. They won't tell anyone, if you're worried about that." Amelie said, a little impatient. "What we're you going to say?"

"It's just I like being with Myrnin more. Since Shane's not around..." I sighed.

"Myrnin is not your boyfriend."

"Well, he's my friend. It's close enough. Is there anything else, you want to tell me?" I asked, getting impatient myself.

"Yes. If you happen to see a man, by the name of Christopher.... Stay away from him. He has dark hair and is quite tall. I don't trust him."

"The only reason your telling me to stay away, is because you don't want me to get another boyfriend. I thought you didn't have jealousy." I looked up and Amelie's stare turned into a glare.

"I don't have jealousy. Just remember, if I didn't take you in, 60 years ago you would be dead."

"And none of this would be happen. I could have died along with Shane and Eve." I glared at the floor and heard Amelie take in a breath.

"That's all. You may go."

Finally. I stood up and the guard opened the door.

When I got outside, I felt guilty, but I was right. The funeral couldn't wait and Amelie couldn't tell me who I could and couldn't see.

Walking down the street at night, I rounded a corner and I was sure I saw someone. I stopped and back tracked but no-one was there. Great to know vampires see things, I thought.

Amelie's Point of View

What has got into Claire? I know she is fussed about the funeral, but she never talks to me like that. Not anymore, anyway.

"Leave me." I told the guards. They nodded and left, closing the door behind them.

"Founder sorry to bother you, but the boy wants to see you again." The Secretary said. I sighed. Couldn't I be alone for a few minutes?

"Has he made an appointment?"

"Yes, he wanted the earliest one possible. It's now."

"Fine, show him in." I hoped I wouldn't regret this, but judging by my previous experience with him, it was likely I would regret it.

Christopher came in, smiling. "I heard the conversation. You and Claire don't seem to be getting on well."

"What do you know about Claire?" I asked. I am getting nervous around him. He wasn't a vampire, yet he wasn't human.

"She lost her boyfriend and best friend to old age, she has strong feelings for you, but she won't admit them-"

"She already has." I said, before he could say anything more.

"It sounds to me, that she doesn't want to be around you. 60 years of avoiding you, should tell you that." Christopher fiddles with a piece of thread, while keeping his eyes on me.

"She was just... settling in." I began, then felt extremely lightheaded. I blinked a few times and touched my head, then the dizziness faded.

"I'm sure she was. You look like you need some time alone. Come to my place, I promise to treat you like a Queen." Christopher offered me his hand. I considered calling the guards; I just wanted to get near...

No wait, I wanted to get away from him.

I glared at Christopher. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He said, innocently. "Why what are you doing?"



I woke up in a large room.

Depressing Days (Morganville Vampires)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora