Making Up

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Amelie and Claire shippers will like this chapter! I also added a little segment about Oliver and Myrnin in the middle :D

Enjoy and read and Review!

Amelie's Point of View

After Oliver had gone, I sorted out the papers on my desk. As I was putting the folders away, I noticed one of them was missing. "Must have left it at the house." I sighed and gave the folders to my assistant, then collected my bag and my driver took me home.

When I got back, I got out and walked inside to my office. I was looking through my drawers for the folder when I heard sniffling. I turned around and Claire was on the sofa.

"Hello Claire."

"Mm." I ignored her response and kept looking for the folder. "Did you mean it?"

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Did you mean it, when you said you didn't love me? Because all those times in your bedroom contradict that."

"I'm busy." I said, looking around for where else the folder could be.

"Amelie." Claire stood right in front of me. I sighed.

"I really need to find the folder." I sidestepped Claire and went upstairs. Maybe I had left it up there? Or maybe you are hiding from the truth? the voice in my head said.

In my bedroom, I closed the door and sat down on the bed. I knew Claire wouldn't stop asking me, until I gave her the answer that she wanted. I could tell her to go away, but honestly I couldn't do that. Oliver was right; I had to turn off my emotions to say to Claire I didn't love her, but now they are coming back all I feel is guilt.

My bedroom door knocked. I sighed and opened it, knowing exactly who it was.

"Come in." I sat back down on the bed. Claire sat down beside me.

"I know you didn't mean it. But why did you say it?"

"I... I didn't want you there."

"But I told you, I could take of myself. That guy can't hurt me."

Claire had been crying. Her face felt damp and her hair was a mess. That just worsened the feeling of guilt. "I'm... That wasn't the right thing to say." I pushed her hair behind her ear. Claire sighed.

"I guess you never had to apologize much, huh?"

"I guess so." I brushed her hair back, then stood and got a brush, before Claire could think of anything.

"Amelie?" Claire asked.

"What is it?"

"Could we... Stay here? For the day? We don't have to do anything, well you can if you want to, but I mean-" Claire is rambling again.

I sighed and hushed her. "I can't. I would love to but... I asked Oliver to do something and he might be annoyed if I am not back at the office."

"Okay. But Amelie I'm helping you. I won't take No for an answer." Claire stood up and got her coat, then went out from her shoes.

"Fine." I said more to myself than Claire.

Oliver's Point of View

I would've left Myrnin outside Amelie's office when I took the pencil out, but he could be useful to me when I interrogate this Christopher guy.

"Ow, that hurt." Myrnin said. We were in my office in Common Grounds. I had waited until now to take out the pencil. I didn't think he would follow me otherwise.

"It would. You probably still got splinters." I pushed off the wall and tossed him a pair of gloves. "You're going to help me talk to this guy."

Myrnin got up then sat in the chair opposite my desk. "Really? And what makes you think I want to touch him again?"

"Wear those gloves and you won't have to worry about that anymore." I dropped the pad and pencil on the desk.

"Ooo, can I write? I like writing."

"Amelie needs to be able to read the writing. You write like a child and you act like one, too." I said. "Now come on. Christopher thinks Amelie will be in here so when he comes in, grab him and take him in here."

"Amelie can read my writing, just fine." Myrnin said. "And my chest hurts so I can't get up."

"Just get up." I said, already becoming annoyed. I picked up the pad and pencil and walked out. I heard Myrnin's exaggerated moans and shook my head. "Why she doesn't just put him down, is beyond me." I said to myself.

Myrnin eventually came out and pointed to the back of the store. "There he is."

"Go get him then. Bring him to my office." I said. Myrnin groaned loudly and slumped at the counter. I pushed him off. "Go. Before you make a bigger fool of yourself."

"Fine." Myrnin picked himself up and walked over to Christopher who glared at him. Myrnin put on the gloves then dragged Christopher from his seat and all the way to the office, the boy protesting all the way.

I followed and closed the door.

Claire's Point of View

I went downstairs and remembered Amelie still needed her folder. I looked through the drawers and cabinets then in the bookshelf. When there was no sign of it there, I looked in the kitchen and found it in the drawer. Why on earth was it there?

I turned around and almost got scared to death (if vampires can be scared to death) when Amelie was standing right behind me.

"Oh, um... Found your folder. Someone must have put it there..." I said, backing away to get a little more personal space.

But I didn't think Amelie knew of personal space, as she stepped forward and took the folder out of my hand and put it on the counter. For a second, I thought she would kiss me but she didn't show any signs of doing that.

"When we get to Common Grounds... You might see-" I was about to ask something, but Amelie put a finger to my lips. "Let me finish. You might see some... excessive force. I'm okay now, so there's no need to intervene. I just need to get information out of him."

"Okay... What are you talking about?" It was probably something really obvious... But being this close to Amelie was still unnerving.

Amelie touched my cheek. "You should know."

It took a while, but it did finally come to me. "Oh! Oh right yes. You can do anything you want to me... I mean him!" Gosh, seriously what is WRONG with me?

Amelie smiles, obviously amused by my slip up. "I'll hold back. Shall we get going now?"

"Uh, yeah fine." I shrugged. Amelie picked up the folder then collected her coat and went to the garage. After taking a moment to get over my embarrassment, I followed her.

YAY they made up! I wasn't going to let them be apart any longer :D

What do you think? Review!

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