Unexpected Visit

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Here is the first chapter of the re-writing of A Depressing Day! I shall the title though... So people aren't like Huh?

It's a bit short for a first chapter and a bit boring but it's an introduction! So the action shall come in later chapters!

Read and Review!

Amelie's Point of View

"Founder, here are the folders Oliver sent for you." My bodyguard said, handing me 3 folders. I quickly looked through them. Mostly meaningless papers with various requests.

"Thank you, Gérard." I said, standing up and collecting my bag.

"Ma'am, will you be attending Mr Collins and Mrs Glass's funeral?"

"Are you?" I asked. It had been a few days since Shane and Eve had died. It hadn't surprised me that they lived for as long as they did. Michael was quite sad by their deaths, but I hadn't heard from Claire.

"I'm needed here. I just thought you would like to pay your respects." I nodded.

"Of course. I will go... I just need to go home and change. Sort these out for me, I will get back to them later." I said, handing the folders back to Gérard then left.

My bodyguard took me back home in my car then I went upstairs. I paused at Claire's bedroom, on the edge about whether to go in. It had been 60 years since Claire had moved out and I hadn't been in once.

I made up my mind and opened the door. The room had been tidied up by my maid, but the smells were still here.

I sat on the bed and sighed. Claire would spend most of her time here, only coming down downstairs if she needed something. I had been rough with her on the day of her leaving and I regretted that, but I still wasn't prepared to tell Claire that she was telling the truth all along.

I had visited Myrnin more often now that Claire was living with him, but she was avoidingme. I knew it, because she was never there, whenever I visited. I had to see her. It had been years, too many years.

I got up and walked over to my phone and rang Myrnin.

"Hello, my dear how can I help you?" He asked, picking up after a few rings.

"I'm coming to see you. Don't tell Claire." I said. "I'll know." Then I hung up and collected my coat and went outside to the car.

Claire's point of view

I walked down a long hallway, only dimly lit by torches hung on the wall. I heard whispers coming from all directions, but they could just be the wind...

Stop it. It just the wind, I thought.

"Claire." A whisper said. I spun around but saw no-one.

"Who's there?" I asked and turned around again. There was no answer so after a hesitation, I walked further down the dark hallway.

"Claire." The whisper came again. I spun around and this time I saw a shadow, just for a second before it disappeared. I stopped walking and just looked around, straining my ears for any other sounds.

"Claire, come with me." The whispery voice said, materializing in front of me but not taking any shape. It floated down the hallway, then up some stairs.

I followed and suddenly found myself in a field with daisies and long grass.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In a field, where do you think we are?" The voice came from behind me. It wasn't whispering anymore, and as I turned around I saw it belonged to Amelie. I blinked. I must be dreaming, I thought.

"What are we doing in a field?"

"I thought we could do with some privacy. The hallway is not a pleasant place to have a conversation." Amelie said, sitting down on a chair, that had suddenly appeared.

Okay... What do you want to talk about?"

Amelie sighed. "Not now. You're needed." Amelie said then stood up, turned around and walked away, fading into mist.

"Claire, wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. I groaned and pushed the arm away, but whoever it was didn't stop. "Claire! Your not a human now you don't need sleep."

"Go away, Myrnin. I can sleep whenever I want." I said, putting the pillow over my head. Myrnin ripped it away and the duvet too.

"I need you to do something for me." He said. I sighed.

"If it's moving boxes, no thank you. You can do that, easily."

"Its something else, Claire." He said. I sighed and sat up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, you do know Shame and Shreve have died? I was thinking maybe you could make flowers and to bring to their funeral? I'm sure the Glass boy would appreciate it if you went." Myrnin said. After all these years, Myrnin still couldn't get their names right!

"For the last time, it's Shane and Eve! Do you do just do this to annoy me?" I asked.

"I brought the flowers in. You can test out your flower making skills." Myrnin said then disappeared out of the room. Of course, he ignored me.

I sighed and got up. I hadn't been to visit Michael since I left Amelie's house. She didn't want me to go there and I obeyed... at first. Then after about 6 months, I snuck out and went to the Glass House. Everyone was just so glad I was alive they skipped all the questions.

Then Myrnin found out and locked me in the bedroom for approximately 3 days; I knew this because I had thought to wear a watch since that didn't need charging.

I had forgotten how long it had been since I last saw them... Also, I thought I would have had dreams about them, not Amelie. I sighed, but got up anyway and went out into the lab...

...Where I saw Amelie seated in a chair. And no flowers in sight.

What do you think? Continue?

Reviews please!

Depressing Days (Morganville Vampires)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora