Chapter Sixteen: The Ultrasound

Start from the beginning

Picking the young boy back up, Jisoo watched Jennie and Lisa cook breakfast.

"What kind of appointment do you have?" Lisa asked Jennie.

"Just a check-up," Jisoo watched Jennie avoiding Lisa's eyes.

"With the noises, I constantly hear coming from your room, you should also get a pregnancy test," Lisa spoke pouring juice into four glasses. With her back turned, she missed the shared grin between Jisoo and Jennie.

"Let's worry about my niece that Wendy will be pushing out first," Jisoo said. "Baby boy, you're getting a baby cousin soon. Are you excited?"

Jisu nodded and launched into everything he wanted to do with the baby. Jisoo laughed, happily avoiding Lisa's comment for now.


The office was cozy and Jennie felt content. Jisoo sat beside her holding her hand as they waited for the doctor to enter the room.

"I'm so excited, do you think we will hear the heartbeat today?" Jisoo grinned up at her.

"Maybe, I was a little further along when I went to the doctor for the first time with Jisu." Jennie bent over and kissed Jisoo before a pout could be formed on her girlfriend's lips. She knew how much Jisoo hated not being there for Jisu, but this time would be different and this was the baby she wanted to focus on.

A knock sounded on the door, and both girls called out for the doctor to enter. A tall redhead entered with a bright smile. Doctor Park was the best in her field and delivered Jisu. Jennie was excited to see her and the two caught up briefly before getting back to her current pregnancy.

"Sorry babe, this is Doctor Park. Doctor Park, this is my girlfriend Jisoo." Jennie watched the two shake hands and kissed Jisoo's cheek excited at what they were about to do.

"Nice to finally meet you Jisoo, I'm glad you're back! Please, call me Joy even though this one refuses." Joy pointed at Jennie with a smile.

The three women continued to catch up as Jennie laid back and Joy set up her tools. Jennie enjoyed listening to the list of questions Jisoo rattled off at the doctor.

"Are you sure sex won't hurt it?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm positive, you two can continue as long as it's comfortable for Jennie," Joy said with a laugh. "This will be cold," she added squirting gel onto Jennie's stomach.

Jennie felt Jisoo place a kiss on her cheek and smiled at the other girl. She could feel pressure on her belly and turned towards the doctor.

"This is your baby," Joy smiled turning the screen for the girls to see

"Wow, it's smaller than I thought," Jisoo said voice laced with happiness.

"Well, Jennie's only about 14 weeks pregnant so it still has time to grow. Let's check the heartbeat," Joy smiled pressing buttons on the machine.

Jennie watched Jisoo's excitement grow, and couldn't hold in her laughter. Jisoo kissed her hard as the sound of a strong heartbeat sounded through the room. Jennie looked at Joy in confusion.

"Why does it sound different this time? New machines?" Jennie was confused it sounded like there was an echo. She held Jisoo's hand tightly to her chest rubbing a soothing thumb over her knuckles. She could see worry seeping into the other girl's forehead.

"Nothing's new but let me look around." Joy began to move around Jennie's stomach before stopping suddenly. "Well, it looks like this one was hiding."

"I'm sorry, what?" Jisoo asked still worried.

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