Chapter 3 - Stone Stairs and High Ceilings

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Miguel was taken slightly aback at the fact the security guard knew his name, was the school that good? That they anticipated his arrival so early?

He did as told and placed his bags down on the trolley in front of him. "Thank you." He said almost under his breath, he was still amazed.

The security gave a nod before walking away, pushing the trolley with Miguel's bags in front of him.

Miguel then turned to the door to the dean's office. He knocked. After a short moment, a buzzer went off and the door unlocked. Miguel looked the door up and down, taking it as an invitation to enter. He slowly turned the handle, opening the door just enough for him to fit through, and stepped in.

As he stepped into the dean's office, the sight was a marvel - to say the least. It was perfectly matched with the rest of the corridor that led to his office. High ceilings with dark wood arches, murals on the ceiling, and plaques placed strategically to commemorate various achievements.

Miguel walked slowly as he looked around in awe, stopping at the sound of a voice.

The man stood, "Mr. Cole, It's nice to finally meet you."

Miguel looked to the man who had just stood from the seat at his desk, now facing him. He had a bright smile, but cold eyes. It was hard to tell if his expression was genuine. The man had dark black hair, slicked back with gel. He was an average height for a man, it was obvious he worked out frequently.

"It's nice to meet you too, sir." Miguel finally said after studying the man briefly.

The Dean smiled, "Please, Mr. Lee is fine." He says before gesturing, "Please, take a seat. Let's get started."

Miguel gave a short and quiet nod before walking over to the seat across from the Dean's at his desk.

The Dean then sat down and put on thin, black glasses. Opening a manilla envelope with various paperwork. "So, your father and I spoke about just about everything that needs to be discussed in terms of rules and regulations..." He trailed off as he shifted through paperwork, scanning each paper individually before setting it aside. "I just need you to sign some basic stuff, compliances for being a student here." He says nonchalantly.

Miguel gives another small nod as he watches Mr. Lee's hands sift through the various papers. He figures it was best not to say anything at this particular moment.

"Ah." He pulls out a piece of paper and places it in front of Miguel, placing a pen down atop the paper. "This paper is an outline of the rules any student here must follow. It's just talking about curfew, no plagiarizing, harassment rules... the basics." He says with a small shrug.

Miguel then looks down at the paper, scanning it over quickly before signing it. He does this with a couple of other papers that needed signing.

"Alright." The dean then says, putting the papers back in the manilla envelope and puts it aside. He then clasps his hands together, looking at Miguel. He smiles, "So, Miguel, Mr. Cole." He then pauses while keeping eye contact with him. "Your father says you know a great deal of magic for a beginner, would you say that's true?"

Miguel sits up straight as he's asked the question, he clears his throat. "I've been told that I know much for my level of practice." He says, trying to come off as professional as possible. He's sure to smile afterward.

The man then raises a brow, "But would you say that you agree? That you're well versed for someone at your level of expertise?" He asks pointedly.

Miguel blinks, not expecting such a follow-up question. "Well, I'd say so, I think. The only other sorcerer I know is my father, so, I don't have much other experiences to compare it to, Mr. Lee."

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