He then turns Neo.

Y/N #4: "Go use my scroll, Neo."

The mute girl happily nods as she grabs the scroll and starts typing for a bit before showing her response to Yang. 

Neo: "In a sense, we are alone."

Y/N #4: "Not entirely true. You got me here."

In response, Neo happily nod in agreement as Yang suddenly recalls something.

Yang: "Oh, yeah. You lost Roman, didn't you?"

Neo shift her gaze from them before nodding to that question. Yang turns her attention to Y/N.

Yang: "If I remember correctly, you encounter Roman, and he gave you that warning about the Vale Breach. Were you close with him?"

Y/N #4: "I... well... we're more like... acquaintances if anything else."

Yang: "Uh-huh..."

She then turns to Neo once more.

Yang: "Were you and Roman close?"

All eyes are on Neo as Neo nod to Yang. 

Yang: "So... he was your dad... and older brother... or...?"

Neo goes to sign her response to her.

Neo: "Something along those lines."

Yang: "I... see."

The mute girl then signs the word for love.

Yang: "You loved each other."

Neo nods and then follows this by typing down something on Y/N's scroll before presenting it to Yang and Y/N.

Neo: "He took care of me. I took care of him. He's gone now."

Y/N chimes in.

Y/N #4: "Heh, sounds like my relationship with Qrow."

Neo: "Qrow?"

Y/N #4: "Qrow is my mentor and Yang's uncle. At first, he wants nothing to do with me... until one thing led to another, and he took me under his wings."

Yang: "Yeah... I guess I can relate to that. Dad, Mom, Ruby. They all love me. I guess I know that much. Jaune, Ren, Nora... it was hard enough losing Pyrrha. I couldn't imagine if it were Weiss or... Blake."

Y/N could tell the lingering Yang had on the last name while, Neo tilt her head to side in confusion as she types down her response.

Neo: "Blake?"

Yang: "You know, the one in black."

Y/N then points at his head.

Y/N #4: "Black hair, yellow eyes, always have a black bow."

in response to their answers, Neo gives an "Ooh" look to them as Yang resumes speaking.

Yang: "She's just... Weiss was taken away, Ruby's out on some kind of mission, but Blake... she just... left."

Y/N #4: ("Right, she ran away from the others... but something tells me that she's in... Menagerie with one of the me right now... and with... Sun too?")

Neo signs out a question.

Neo: "Are you mad at her?"

The blonde girl hesitates to reply back for a moment before eventually answering.

Yang: "No, I don't... I-I think I'm just disappointed. I know her. Me, Y/N, and the rest of our team know her. She gets scared but... I thought we worked through that. I guess... I was wrong."

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