Where Is This Going (??)

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I'll have you know that this is 100% biased, and I have not a clue about where I'm going right now..it doesn't seem fair to deprive people of content, though, so here I am. Oh, warning, there's plenty of cussing btw.

It's lunchtime right now, and I'm eating by myself in a bathroom stall. Sounds hella lonely, but, of course I pay no mind. Ain't it just right for me to suffer here? I'm quite sure that's all I ever do, and school wouldn't be any different to me.
Sitting in the stall, with no one else in the bathroom, enjoying my little lunch. Everyday occurrence for yours truly. Out of the blue, I hear footsteps outside of the door, rapidly approaching the space I'm in. Wait a second, something really funny's 'boutta happen, and right on time, too-
"Oi, nerd! You hiding in here?!" A kid slams open the main door.
I almost let out a snicker, cause man this kid has guts. He does this every day, the brain-dead git.
Quickly, before he can notice them, I move my legs onto the top of the toilet  seat with the rest of my body. Hot damn, I know I shouldn't be holding back laughter, but it feels like he just walked into an empty saloon in a cowboy movie. Bet he's making daddy proud, I think to myself, watching him through the cracks in the stall door.
He continues to walk deeper into the room, searching for someone. Let me tell ya, what he's trying to find isn't even here. That is, unless he thought he found a new kid to bully? Oh, but I wouldn't take that sitting down, not at all. Boy, you better watch out. You oughta.
I remember to hold in my breath the closer he gets, knowing he isn't smart enough to look between the cracks in the stalls, only under them. Sauntering around like he owns the place, he reaches the last stall and finds there's no one to be seen inside of it.
What a joke! Grumbling to himself, he exits the room.
Finally, I get to breathe in again, and I immediately blow up laughing. "Fuck, slimy git really thought! Gotdayum," I say, rather loudly, knowing the bastard can't hear me, "bitch can't even tell when someone's actually here, even though it's not the right dude!" Suddenly, it becomes more of a physical task to breathe, so I do what I can to stifle my wheezy laughter.
Calming down, I get up off the toilet and out of the stall. I throw my trash away, thinking about how hilarious that was to me. My humor is so banged up right now, oh wow. But really, though? That was a riot.

Wow, what the fuck was this? Hope y'all enjoyed, 'cause this don't come with an explanation attached. Questions, requests?? Support, maybe~? Lmao, thanks for reading. Comment if you'd like more of this shit, or any other sillie shit I wrote.

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