Gravity Falls Ideas (Part One)

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Zamn, I really keep switching up my themes. Hopefully y'all appreciate variety. The FNaF part 2 will probably come out soon, as it's more popular than the rest, I believe? End of A/N.

Waking up, I blink rapidly, my eyes not used to the light yet. Ouch. The rays coming through the broken window sure don't hesitate to burn my eyes, eh? I look at the bed on the other side of the room. Mabel's sleeping soundly, not yet awake. "Don't worry Mabel, I won't be waking you up today," I whisper to myself.

I choose to get up and walk towards the closet, now preparing for the day ahead of me. Lots of work at the Shack, most definitely. Ever since the two of us, meaning Mabel and I, came to Gravity Falls, we had been working at the Mystery Shack. Its wasn't out of free will, though; it was kind of a requirement. Y'see, our Great Uncle Stan, though we call him 'Grunkle Stan', owns the Shack. To be more precise, it's literally built into his house! So, in the end, Mabel and I had to work there.

Walking downstairs, I see Stan sitting in the kitchen/dining room area. "Morning, Grunkle Stan," I say somewhat enthusiastically. "Oh, hey, kid," he says in reponse. "Did ya sleep well?" I glance at the floor for a second. "Not..exactly." He sighs. "It's okay, kid." After that, we end up having to deal with an increasingly awkward silence..

Soon, Mabel can be heard from the attic, the room we share. We're twins, actually, so we've been together quite a lot. Room sharing makes no difference. Her loud stirring alerts Stan to her getting up. "Sounds like Mabel's up," he laughs coarsely. I grin a bit, now ready to truly begin the day. Hopefully, today will be full of lighthearted fun. Mabel would love that, I think, excited about our new, intriguing, and very, very possible adventure for today.

Heh, another dead end? Was it short, or long enough? I'm guessing short. Welp, comment your opinions if you want! Gosh, making these sure is entertaining, though.

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