Chapter 8- The Archer Clan

Start from the beginning

Charlotte beamed a smile at me.

"I'm thrilled too," she looked like she was going to cry with happiness. "Have you guys eaten?"

"No we were going to go to our roo-" Roman started but his mother interrupted.

"Please join us, we have some family here already." She asked.

"We would love to, but we are hardly dressed for dinner." I smiled looking down at my vest top and jeans. Brushing my messy brunette hair behind my ear.

"Nonsense, no dress code here," Grayson interjected.

"Come on Mia, I want to catch up," Maddie begged.

"Okay." I gave in looking at Roman who was defeated, he knew we couldn't fight his formidable family. Charlotte linked arms with Maddie as Grayson and Blake went to the bar. I walked with Roman a little way behind Maddie and his mum.

"How come Maddie gets to call you Mia?" He murmured in a low voice into my ear. I turned to look at him with a crooked smile on my face.

"I like Maddie," I answered.

"Ouch." He chuckled before we walked to the table and I sat right next to Maddie, Roman was about to sit on the other side of me but his mum took that spot leaving him to find a spot opposite me.

"I can't believe you are getting married." I was still in shock at the idea of Roman's baby sister walking down the aisle, she nodded excitedly as she held out her hand and I was taken back by the diamond on her dainty fingers.

"He is amazing Mia, honestly he is away at the minute but he and his family will be over a few days before the wedding. He makes me so happy."

"Then," I smiled at her. "That is all you need."

She was in love, that was obvious. She was glowing with happiness, her fiance had made her happy and she was lucky.

"Mia," Blake walked over with a glass of wine. "Here, I'm not sure what your drink of choice is these days."

"Thanks, you know me, I will drink anything." I reminded him, he laughed as he placed the drink in front of me.

I felt like the years hadn't passed us all by, sitting with Roman's family it felt like I hadn't been away from them. Charlotte was still the matriarch, making sure everyone was happy and eating. Grayson was silently in charge. Blake and Roman chatted casually about business but were joined by their cousins and uncles. Mia involved me in wedding talk with her aunts and female cousins.

I forgot how big their family was.

"Where is Noah?" I asked as he seemed to be the only missing face at this event.

"He is in Chicago on business but he will be up in a day or so," Maddie explained as she poured us both another glass, even though I didn't want another drink.

Noah was Roman's twin, they were non-identical and they weren't close. The pair were always fighting, disagreeing, Roman was closer to Blake and Maddie. I assumed it was a twin thing.

"So Amelia," Grayson's voice got my attention as we all ate our delicious meals. "How have you been? What do you do?"

My eyes flashed to Roman who sipped on his wine, his eyes watching me with interest. My eyes went back to Grayson.

"I've been great," I smiled. "I am actually a lingerie designer, I work mainly for elite clients but I am hoping to be successful in making a line for a lead design company." I lied.

"So how did you and Roman find each other again?" Maddie asked.

I could tell she wanted a romantic story, she wanted hearts and rainbows but I didn't want to sell her that happiness as I wouldn't be there in ten days.

"I was at a charity event held by Cole Winters, minding my own business and there Roman was," I smiled towards Roman who winked at me. "Three months we have been meeting up, casually at first and then-"

"You two were made for each other." Maddie buzzed as she sipped on her glass of wine, she was merry from alcohol.

Everyone agreed, Roman expertly shifted the conversation from me and him to Maddie once more and her plans for the run-up to her wedding.

I sat mostly silent, laughing when everyone else did but I was busy watching Roman. He was confidently talking to everyone. He was like the guy I had fallen for in my naive years, he was charming and family orientated. However, my shattered heart was reminding me of what he was capable of and what I was capable of and I had to protect myself.

"Another round?" Blake asked as he picked up the wine bottles, most agreed. A little yawn escaped my mouth making Roman stand up beside his older brother.

"Not for us, we have had a long couple of days. I'm taking Mia to bed." Roman spoke using the nickname I had banned him from using.

I was relieved to say goodnight to everyone, I was exhausted and ready to sleep. Roman put his hand on my lower back to guide me through the restaurant and towards the lift. Inside was a member of staff, this hotel was old school classy.

"Penthouse Mr Archer?" He asked as the doors closed.

"Yes, please," Roman replied as I moved so I was leaning against the handrail. It was obvious Roman had booked the best room in the hotel.

We remained silent as the lift reached the penthouse, the doors however didn't open instead Roman typed in a code to the lift keypad. As soon as the code was entered the doors opened to the huge suite.

I stepped out of the lift as Roman tipped the man before exiting the lift himself.

The room was perfect, fit for a king. It had a massive bed, with a seating area in front of it. A noticed a kitchenette with a coffee maker and a mini-fridge. But the beauty was the floor to ceiling windows that looked over the city.

I walked over to look out at the twinkling lights of New York, it was mesmerising.

"She looks so happy," my eyes never left the city as I spoke. "Maddie has really found the guy for her."

"She is," Roman replied as he stood beside me, I could see him in the reflection of the glass. "We weren't supposed to meet them so soon."

"It was nice to see them again." It was the truth seeing Roman's family put warmth in me I had thought I wouldn't feel again.

"Hm," he replied before he turned and walked back to the centre of the room. "I'm going to wash up before bed. Your things will be hung up in the walk-in."

I waited until I heard the door to the en-suite close before I turned back to face the room. I walked to the other room. I was amazed as I entered the walk-in. It was an entire room of its own. Cream sofas, free-standing mirrors, a dressing table and rails of clothes.

I noticed his clothes were all pressed, a drawer held each tie in their own little walled square. Endless amounts of suits and shoes. Casual clothes, joggers and underwear. There were far more clothes here than he would need for ten days.

It suddenly hit me, this was his home. I walked to the rail that held the clothes I had brought and the ones he had bought for me in LA. I noticed a dresser that had all my underwear, nightclothes and other items I had brought.

I quickly put on a black silk nightdress that came to my thighs and grabbed the matching night robe that came just above my knee. I quickly brushed my hair, grabbed my toiletries ready to use them once he was free from the bathroom.

As I sat hidden in his extensive closet my heart raced as I realised tonight was our first night alone together. I was paid to be his, what he wanted he could have. I know what Roman was capable of and what his words could do to me.


Happy double update day!

Yes I've had the time to get these chapters ready for you guys.

Next Scheduled update is Friday but I'm hoping to get another out before then.

Please drop your thoughts and comments below I love reading them.

Goodbye for now...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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