VOLUME 11 Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Hah...?" her head tilts in an unusual way, enough to break the neck of a normal person as she grabs her sword from the throne. "Should I start with you? I can easily kill this Human. I am suprised he hasn't even castrated himself in the sight of my beauty."

"As if! You might be beautiful, but your soul is as dirty as the mud outside! Full of blood and limbs of the warriors that fought and died against you and your tyrannical reign!"

"Then... cometh at me. After I am done with you, I shall make sure the only Humans that remain on this land are the ones bred for food and pleasure."

Faded. Her vision was clouded once again as she could see a faint image of a stone coffin and a hand rising from it. With green flames surrounding it, she was then placed once again somewhere. Cramped and dark, she could hear machines audibly working. Soon, footsteps came and it surrounded her as clicks of a camera were orbiting the enclosed space she was in.

"It's here!"

"Woah! Look at all this art!"

"Is that English?! That's English!"

She then felt being moved to the surface as gunfire and the whizz of the rotors of aircraft was coming by at all sides.




"The Scientists had told us to leave this one."

"What?! Then why the fuck did we waste an hour bringing it topside?! Put it in one of the storage rooms and put a marker on it."


But she ever heard anyone putting anything on the surface that was right in front of her. Soon she felt the air getting lighter as the constant whim of the interior of a helicopter engulfed her. Before she knew it, a ray of shine hit her face. Though unable to move as her body has long gone its sensual beauty, but what remains was a blackish cadaver of a once curvy and immaculate body. A purple dress that has long gone its fashion and style, and all it was is a smelly corpse of a dead woman.

An attractive blonde woman in full plate armor then hovers over her. "I apologize. I know you do not want to return, but you have a role in all this. My name is not important, I know you will find out anyway. I shall offer you the blood of a Hero." She then sees a helicopter flying over the rattling floor without a ceiling that they were on. The tall beauty turned to look at it and her hands clenched in fists. "If only they knew, if only the Gods would let me." She then slices her palm and squeezes it. Blood oozed from it.

The small batch full of pure and unadulterated power was enough to make her return to herself. Without even taking a single moment, she tries to grab the woman's neck but she dodges it and the woman then turns to face a man. A Death Knight with his Greatsword out.

Even though the slits of the Death Knights helmet completely hid his eyes, she could see a familiar sight as the eyes of the strange man turned to face her. Hinted with fear, it was also overflowing with confidence and strength.

"I could use him as a base for your dead husband, Queen Elizabeth."

Her vision then returns. A city tainted with red as she locked eyes with Jackson inside the Police Department.


"O-Oh, I apologize, My Lord. I seem to be reminiscing."

"No worries. You've been fighting for so long. Do you need to drink my blood?"

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