Chapter 27: Grey

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The Sun and the Moon have swapped places, casting a luminous glow over the old manor. Currently, silence envelops the manor, offering a tranquil moment of peace and slumber.

Brahms has retreated behind the walls once again, having reclaimed his insanity to provide her with a sense of calm. He has resolved not to push her away, unlike before.

While he's not directly observing her, the desire to do so lingers within him. Y/n might be fleeing, yet he remains seated in his concealed chamber. His head rests freely on his hands as he absentmindedly cracks his fingers. He has made certain the main door is securely locked, with Brahms in possession of the key.

The temptation to see her is overwhelming, almost torturous. He should be with her now, his touch enveloping her.

Amidst the silence, his breathing reverberates. His striking chest rises and falls rhythmically. The emptiness is palpable, a void only she can fill testament to the impact of his wretched existence.

Abruptly, something catches his attention.

Despite the distant nature of the footsteps, they resonate in his ears as if they're mere inches away.

A faint call reaches his ears, "Brahms?"

He experiences a surge of delight. She is searching for him.

"Where are you?" Her voice draws nearer, suggesting she must be within the walls.

The footsteps grow closer. Brahms remains seated, anticipation bubbling within him. He maintains his gaze fixed upon the door, awaiting its eventual opening.

"Brahms? I've lost my way!"

A chuckle escapes him upon hearing her endearing call.

Brahms rose to his feet, determined to retrieve her himself. Despite the labyrinthine hallways' perplexity, he strode forward confidently.

Upon a glance to his right, Brahms discovered y/n standing there. She wore a mixture of shock and happiness upon seeing him. "Hey," she greeted.

"Hello, y/n."

Her heart warmed at the sound of his voice, the absence of which she had endured for hours. She instinctively embraced him, genuine emotion flooding through her as she admitted, "I can't sleep without you."

Brahms offered a soft hum as he reciprocated the hug.

"Would you sleep beside me? Perhaps play some music to help me drift off," her embrace tightened as she made the request.

Sensing his agreement, she led him to her room.

Brahms carefully settled her into bed, a notable shift in their dynamic. Exiting the room without a word, he initiated a lullaby, the melodies resonating audibly within her space. Swiftly, he returned to her side.

Seating himself beside her, she whispered his name, "Brahms?"

He turned his gaze to her, his eyes shimmering orbs. "Can we discuss this tomorrow, please?" she suggested. Her palm brushed against his robust arm, a gentle caress. Brahms offered a nod.

"It's growing quite late. Let's rest," she proposed: a shared intention to seek slumber settling between them.

Brahms wrestled with his guilt. Despite what had transpired between them before, she still sought his attention, a fact he found oddly satisfying. There was no logical reason to resist such feelings or feel burdened by guilt in this context.

He eased himself down next to Y/n, the strains of music from the living room providing a tranquil backdrop as their connection deepened. Shadows of weight clung to her eyes, hinting at untold emotions.

Words hung unspoken, a silent dialogue between two awake souls drifting on the edge of slumber.

Amidst a soft rustling, y/n sensed his gaze fixed upon her. "Y/n?" he whispered.


"I'm sorry for my past actions." Admitting this wounded his pride, yet the pain of unresolved tension weighed heavier on him.

Their eyes met, a mirrored exchange of vulnerability. "Before I consider your apology, what do you want for us?" she inquired.

"Grow old with you."

"Right here?"


A tender smile played at the corners of her lips.

"I'll grant your wish." The twinkle in his eyes matched the delight in his voice. "We can venture out occasionally, partners in mischief, identities concealed beyond these walls. We'll revel in freedom and happiness."

She noticed his eyes narrow slightly. "What's brewing in that mind of yours?"

Y/n chuckled softly. "Fear not, it's innocent. Just a longing for the days ahead, when we're old and gray, to share a simple date or a movie night."

His response carried genuine enthusiasm. "That sounds like a wonderful plan."

You shifted against his chest, your anticipation was palpable as you awaited the embrace of his broad arms around your form. "Just give me a little time, my dearest y/n," he began. Gazing up at him, you inquired, "Time for what?"

"I'm determined to change, to become a better person—for you. If it requires taking legal measures, I won't hesitate. Anything to hold you close without evoking fear."

"Legal measures?" Your curiosity piqued.

He offered a nonchalant shrug. "Perhaps revealing my true self? Pursuing therapy or embracing liberation. When the day comes that we marry, I want my complete identity etched onto that tiny piece of paper."

His words brought a chuckle to your lips, the notion of marriage between you both prompting amusement.

"Why not set aside everything and ignite the night with passion?"

He remained silent, but his eyes spoke volumes, silently concurring, "Yes, let's ignite the night until your consciousness fades away."

You climbed on top of him and bent over to kiss him on the neck, you whispered his name. And he responded with a touch. He ripped your clothes off and pinned you back to the bed.

"Close your eyes." That's the last thing you heard before he took a blindfold and put it on your eyes.

Now that you're witnessing darkness, he took off his mask. He looked down on you with a smirk and smokey eyes. He nibbles onto your ear as you let out a few small gasps.

His huge fingers tease your sensitive parts as he kisses you with passion and aggressively.

I downloaded Wattpad again and decided to visit my books again. I realized I haven't published this?! So here it is. It's 2024, and I still cringe about what I did here. I'm almost 16, and a lot happened. I'm almost a senior.

All this happened all because I saw an old man in a horror movie and I was granted almost half a million reads with both my two published books. I have grown out of this and decided to properly thank everyone for reading my fanfic books. I am truly grateful for the comments I got. Can't believe it was all because of my critical daddy issues.

Once again, thank you.

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