Chapter 13: Mommy issues

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"Let's have each other tonight, again." He whispered. You want to refuse, you're still tired because of yesterday. You haven't taken enough energy to do it again. Judging by his big body of course it'll be a hard and hurtful one, you have tested it yesterday, hm?

You looked up at him, "What about dinner?"

"Later, after." He said before smooching your lips with his hard porcelain lips.

You want to run away. He's uncontrollable of himself which is alarming. He might hurt you and grab you without even putting in too much strength, but he also loses his energy sometimes. You want to leave so bad but something in him won't let you. Something anonymous and hoping to be found sooner.

You pulled yourself, not that far. Your face is inches away from his. You looked into his eyes, "Let's rest first. I don't know what's this feeling, it's weird."

He didn't say anything, instead, he silently observed your face. Wishing you to have a normal night with him.

You stand up and were about to walk to the doorway but was stopped, Brahms grabbed your wrist. "What's that weird feeling? Why are you feeling it?" He calmly asked.

You looked at your shoulder and awkwardly smiled, "Forget about it. Let's have dinner." You seriously said. You removed his hand gently before walking again. You noticed him not following like he always does, "Aren't you coming with me?" You said and turned around.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I lose control."

"I know."

"Are you angry?" He childishly whimpered. "Why do you say so?" You looked at him with awe. He shrugged weakly. "I'll control it next time. I don't want you to be afraid of me."

"No, no." You walked towards him, "I just misunderstood your behavior. I know I should look after it but I was selfish." You laughed. "Just talk to me and I'll listen. I'll be your friend."

He pouted behind his mask and bashfully looked at the bottom, "Thank you..." He childishly said and you gleamed. "Let's go eat dinner, Brahms. And I'll read you some bedtime stories." You modestly said, trying to pull him. He stood up and walked with you downstairs.

"Ms. Evans..." You whispered as you looked at the window. You were waiting for Brahms to finish his bath. The splash of the shower is loud and your thinkings have swayed inside your mind.

You were wondering why'd Ms. Evans warned you about him. Yes, it was answered just an hour ago but what if there's another reason. He did something sexual to you, maybe he did the same with Ms. Evans so she ran away with Mr. Malcolm, his beloved. Love triangle?

Ms. Evans didn't write anything else but about Brahms. Nothing else. This was scary, what if Brahms was just acting, then in the end he'll kill you. He's a murderer, isn't he?

A cold palm has brushed your shoulder. You turned around and see Brahms who's half-naked. Small drips of water drop from his dark curls. "Ready." He said in his high-pitched voice.

You sighed and smiled, "You can wear your clothes now. After that, we'll tuck you to bed." You consoled the man. He nodded and straight went to his parent's room.

Ask him about it? What if he got angry again? What if you make him anxious? You deeply thought. This was a complete enigma.

After a short minute, Brahms came back with his pajamas on. "y/n" He called out. You looked at him while scratching your nape, "Ah, you were ready." You said before standing up and grabbing the book from the shelf.

He silently examined your actions, "What's wrong, y/n?" He asks.

You hummed questionably, "Nothing?"

"I know there is." He said and stepped a little closer. "No, nothing. Let's go?"

Expectedly, he noiselessly shook his head. "Ah." You groaned disappointingly. "Really? Tonight? Brahms, I want to rest."

"Me neither. But I don't want to rest not until you told me what's the problem."

"Why don't you think back to what happened earlier to us?"

"I asked you if you were angry and you said you were not."

"Of course I won't tell you!"

"I asked you properly and you weren't honest about your answer."

You sighed, knowing you've beaten already. "Let's talk about it." He said. He silently passed over you and sat on the bed. He pulled your arms handily, wanting you to sit beside him. You sat beside him and looked at him to avoid the awkward silence.

"My childhood and my temper. That's all. I lose my temper, just like before."

"That's not what I want to talk about. I told you that I was selfish, not looking and understanding your manner. There's something else."

He ran his fingers through his curls and disappointingly sighed. "You should've told it right away." He said with his muffled and natural voice. He sounded... Angry.

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid to ask you. I don't want to offend you." You apologized. He sighed silently and looked at you, "What is it?"

"About... Ms. Evans. Ms. Great Evans." You weakly uttered.

"Greta. She was my previous nanny. And she warned you about me. What's bothering you?"

"What happened...? Between you and Ms. Evans?" You asked.

"A mess. That night with her was a mess. I almost died. All she asked was to help her with her boyfriend, her boyfriend was abusive. He came by and asked her to come with him, violently. But Greta doesn't want to. So she asked for help. And I'd give her that help. I was successful in helping her. But she got scared of me, which is usual for me. Everyone is afraid of me. She ran away and I tried to stop her from leaving. She lured me and successfully left me alone."

You felt sad as you heard how sad his tone is, and of course him. He looks so hopeless. "I'm sorry for that, Brahms." You said, rubbing your palm gently on his unstraightened back. He nodded slightly and looked at you, observing every part of you again. "Mommy." He simply said. "Eh?"

"Mommy." He childishly said again.

"Is this a game or something?"


"Ah, Brahms," You paused and laughed a little, "Why are you saying 'mommy'? Do you miss your mommy?"

"I learned it from your phone. I always open your phone and use it every night." He shyly admitted. "Oh gosh-"

"I got a... mommy kink? K-ink?" He uttered. "You're calling me a 'mommy'?" Followed by a laugh. "Yes." He childishly said again. You can't help but laugh louder, "Gosh, Brahms. How can you say I'm a 'Mommy'? And why'd you called me that? Because you saw it?"

"I saw it, yes. But It's my choice to call you that. It suits you a lot."

You rapidly scratch your forehead while smiling uncontrollably, "How does it suit me?" You said, looking at the floor.

"Your breast and hips. They're huge. And your tone of speech every time." He said and he moved a little closer but like a child does. "Yeah, you got a mommy issue. Who was the first girl you called a 'mommy'?"

"My mummy."


"My mother." He innocently said, making you burst into laughter again. "Brahms!" You laughed. "What?"

You feel a little pity since you're making fun of him so you hugged him, "You'll learn things with me, baby."

"Ok, mommy." He said as he gently hugged you back.

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