Chapter 26: Dark red

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Brahms was nowhere to be found, and Y/n remained in a deep slumber. The man-child allowed the fact that she was still asleep, despite being supposed to be awake, to slide.

The bulky man stood in the darkness behind the walls, her words echoing in his mind. "Insanity is almost gone,". And no, it wasn't all of her sweet words.

To be honest, I'm... scared.

He thought to himself, fearing that this might push her away. Every move of hers was always being observed. Brahms found solace in the attachment that had formed between the two of them.

But he was even more attached. All that mattered was the attention from her - the touch, the time, everything.

"No..." He whispered, running his hand through his curly hair. "I promised to change."

If they were being watched, even the audience would be curious about how he managed to respond normally when he confessed that she was afraid.

What exactly was she afraid of?

He pushed aside the thoughts of his current desires and walked towards her room.

Sitting down beside her, Brahms avoided glancing at her at first.

"Y/n," he called.

After a few seconds, he looked over his shoulder. Mesmerized by her existence and the soul he held and would continue to hold.

His enormous hands moved to her fragile neck. While he could snap it at any moment, that wasn't his intention. His hands gently glided down her collarbone and to her shoulders.

Uttering words like "I won't let you leave" was futile.

It was a choice between change or... murder.

Y/n slowly woke up to the sight of a masked man.

"Brahms..." She groaned.

His hands left her body and he sat there, his presence heavy in the room.

"If I were to offer you the opportunity to leave this manor and never return, would you seize it?" The child's voice returned. Your brows furrowed as you asked, "Why would you pose such a question-"

"ANSWER ME!" He seized your shoulders in a lightning-fast grip, his large hands tight.



You struggled to push him away, saying, "Snap out of it, Brahms! Tantrums out of nowhere won't do."

He rose, fist clenched, staring intensely at you. Brahms remained silent. Though a brief surge of anger, the veins pulsating on his neck made it seem far from short-lived.

"I don't know," you admitted.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Is my life dependent on that answer?"

His gaze dropped to the floor. Your breath quickened, fingers gripping the bed sheets tightly. "What's going on with you?" Emotions surged as you stood. His attention was caught.

"Just explain what's troubling you." Before a single step, he rushed you, enfolding you in his embrace. Amidst his soft sobs and huffs, you could barely hear your name.

Too Obssessed | Brahms HeelshireHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin