I nod then I open the case. I take the sunglasses out of the case to see large sunglasses that have a buckle on the back of it. Holy shit these are really cool.

"Where did you get these?" I ask her

"I had Chanel custom made for you." She replies

"These are so fucking awesome!" I exclaim

These might be my new pair of sunglasses. I stand up from the edge of the bed then I immediately hug her. I stand in my tippy toes and I wrap my arms around the back of her neck.

"Thank you so so much." I whisper softly

"Of course. The other pair is just Cartier sunglasses, they aren't that special." She tells me

"Everything you give me is special." I tell her as I open the other case to see clear sunglasses with a white base to it they look so awesome

"Thank you so much." I whisper then I hug her again

The Glasses

The Glasses

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"How much were these?" I hesitantly ask

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"How much were these?" I hesitantly ask

"Together? Erm.. I think like six thousand?" She replies sounding more like a question

"You didn't have to do that.." I whisper

"I'd do anything for you, I would give you the entire universe if I could." She replies as she hugs me tighter

"I'm gonna wear these everywhere." I say sweetly as I gently put the sunglasses back in the case then I put it on my nightstand

We sit back down on the bed then we lay on my pillow. The smell on Nydia's breath becomes more prominent as I lay next to her.

"Nydia did you drink alcohol before you came here?" I confidently ask

"I always drink before I do anything that involves being around my father." She replies

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