Prince Vlad got up off of his bed and barged out of his room, clutching his chest. He knew that this could only mean one thing. His soulmate was here, his soulmate was here within the castle walls, and dispite the fact that he claimed to not wanting a soulmate in the past, he was dying to see who could make him feel a way in which he had never felt before.

He wanted to meet his soulmate.

The mutant Prince longed to meet his soulmate.

"How comes everyone get such a nice room and I get... this?" Benjamin asked looking inside of the small room with unpainted walls and a bed with no sheets.

"It was the general orders kid, apparently you really pissed him off." Said the guard to Benjamin.

"Jeez, that man can seriously hold a grudge, is he still angry about what happened back in the restaurant?" Benjamin asked.

The guard sighed. "Look kid, you're no longer out in the world where you could do whatever you want, you're here in the castle now, which means you will do as you are told, and keep the questions to a minimum."

Benjamin looked at the guard. "Ok I have one more question." He said, and before the guard had time to respond, he went on with his question.

"Can you at least give me a better room? I mean, first of all I didn't even want to come here, I was forced, and the least that I could get is a better room."

The guard sighed, "Even if I wanted to give you a different room, I can't. I cannot over rule orders given by the general. The only ones who could do that are the king, Queen and Prince. Do yourself a favour and get some rest, you're going to need it." The guard said patting Benjamin on his shoulder before walking away.

With a huff, Benjamin walked inside of the small room with bare walls, and forced himself to fall asleep on the hard mattress. After all, he was tired from being on the road for such a long time.


Prince Vlad stormed his way through the halls of the castle, and staff members were practically jumping out of the way so that his Royal highness could have a clear path to walk.

The prince's senses were heightened, more heightened than usual, that so much so, he could hear a pin drop from a mile away, and could take the faintest of smell from a similar distance. Even for an A Level mutant, this was very unusual.

The prince knew that his soulmate was someone who just came into the castle, because if they were someone who was already there, from the moment he turned eighteen, he would have felt the pull on his soul that he is currently experiencing.

Prince Vlad made his way down to the main lobby of the castle.

"Who has entered the castle today?" He asked the woman who was sitting behind one of the many desks.

"A good afternoon would be a nice way to start out a conversation." Said the woman looking up from her computer screen.

When the woman saw who she was talking to, her life basically flashed before her eyes. She quickly stood up and bowed to the mutant Prince.

"I'm so sorry your highness, I didn't know that it was you. Please forgive me I ha-" She started but was cut off by the Prince.

"I don't have time for your pointless fucking apologies. I asked a question and I want answers right now." Said the prince impatiently.

All the prince wanted right now was to meet his soulmate, and he would go to great lengths to ensure that it happens as soon as possible. When a mutant first senses their soulmate, everything else takes a back seat, as this is the most important moment in their lives.

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