I heard leaves rustling to my right and looked over at the trees. I put a hand against the tree I was standing at, for support.

Out through the trees came Blackjack. I broke into a smile.

"You're okay!" I exclaimed happily. The Pegasus froze and looked at me. I looked confused at him. "Are you not, okay?" I asked nervously and took a step towards him. He jerked back and kept an eye on me. That's when my eyes landed on his left wing. Something was off. The feathers were all messed up and his wing was wet. I narrowed my eyes. What was it? Water? Blood?

"Oh, my Gods, what happened?" I asked my voice filled with worry. I walked towards him, but he backed away.

Stay away! He yelled in my head. I stopped walking and watched him.
"Buddy..." I started.

Stay away, demigod. He neighed and flapped dangerously with his other wing.

"But I can help you." I spoke. He raised his head with a snort and had a high tail. I swallowed. What had I done? "Blackjack, please... I'm sorry for whatever I did." I said and slowly reached out to him, that's when I saw the blood on my hands. I froze. Had I tried to stop the bleeding? It annoyed me, I couldn't remember anything that happened. I was sitting on Blackjack; we were on our way to camp and the next second I'm leaning against a tree with blood on my hands.

I looked up at Blackjack, "Did I... Did I hurt you?" I asked cautiously. I watched the fear in his eyes, and he backed away.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, I... I have no memory of doing so..." I said slowly. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

He snorted and laid his ears back.


Leave. I heard him snort at me.

It hurt me; I had never heard him sound like that. He sounded both mad and... terrified. What had I done? Had I really broken his wing? But I couldn't remember doing so. I couldn't wrap my brain around it.

I took a step back and looked down. How was I going to camp now? I couldn't get Blackjack's help because one; his wing was broken, and two; he was terrified of me. I turned around and began walking. My heart ached. Had I just lost the trust of a friend? I looked over my shoulder and saw him cleaning his wing. He wasn't going able to fly for a while, maybe he'd never get to fly again. And it would be my fault.

That night I slept in some other forest I had found; I had made a small shelter out of sticks. It wasn't the best shelter ever because it was my first time making one. That night I slept terrible. One; it was cold and wet, two; because of what happened with Blackjack, three; I couldn't remember hurting him. It freaked me out way more than I'd thought it would. I had hurt a best friend of mine. My thoughts kept circling around the topic all night, and when I finally fell asleep it was with no dreams.

When I woke up it felt like I hadn't slept at all. I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes. My back hurt from laying on the hard ground. This wasn't even a part of the plan. The plan was that I was going to take Blackjack to camp. Now since Blackjack and I weren't on good terms... it would take me days to reach camp. I couldn't even use my powers to get there faster. I wasn't near water, and I couldn't teleport with my powers.

I stretched my body and began walking in one direction. I didn't even know which way to go. So, for all I knew, I could be going in the wrong direction and not even knowing it. I didn't even have any drachmas on me, so I couldn't Iris Message anyone. And if I could, I wouldn't even be able to explain to them where I was. So... I was stuck in this forest. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

Then an idea popped into my head. Could I call Thor? They didn't use drachmas, and I had heard he called out for some other God when he wanted to go home, so maybe I could do the same? Just by yelling Thor's name? I mean... it couldn't hurt to try, right? All that could happen was that I pissed the other Thor off, the redheaded Thor the one I had heard from Magnus let out a lot of gas.

Once a hero - Riordan_LeoGreysonWhere stories live. Discover now