Sword and Shield (Argis) 5

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The next morning the rain had cleared and Argis got out for an early morning walk. The cold, damp air as the sun rose was bracing and helped him clear his mind.

He'd gotten a little sleep, but his dreams had been predictably graced by images of Lyste... specifically the way he'd seen her the night before... only instead of on her knees in front of him she'd been in his lap, straddling him... with her robe falling open like that...

Ultimately Argis had had to get up and resort to taking care of certain things himself just so he could attempt to get some proper sleep. He was ashamed that it was his Thane's image in his mind while he did so... Housecarls certainly were not supposed to be thinking of their Thanes like this.

He really needed a good excuse to get out of Markarth for a bit... obviously if he was supposed to be Lyste's protector he couldn't go far and not for long... but maybe he could go hunting. They were running low on meat he could cook, and Argis never had cared for buying Hogni's "bloodiest beef in the Reach"... the man's mannerisms honestly made Argis uncomfortable...

Yeah, Argis thought, a good hunting trip would help him clear his head... maybe skinning a deer would get the images from his dreams of Lyste out of his head...

He took a simple lap around the city before climbing the steps back to the entrance of Vlindrel Hall. The sun was just reaching properly over the horizon by the time he made it back.

To Argis's surprise though, when he got inside, he found Lyste was already up and dressed. She was wearing her leather armor and hood again and sitting at the table with Ylvi beside her. The large spectral wolf was resting her head on Lyste's arm with her tail thumping softly on the floor.

Argis's heart lurched... was she planning on leaving?

Lyste and Ylvi both looked up with a slight start as Argis walked into the room.

"Oh, you came back," Lyste said in relief.

Argis cocked his head in confusion. "Just went f'r a walk," he replied evenly.

"I... uh... I was afraid I'd run you off," she elaborated sheepishly.

Argis smiled in relief at that. She didn't want him to leave— of course, he realized that was probably only because she had no idea where his mind had gone, but still— she wasn't dismissing him. He'd need to be careful from here on out.

"Nightmares happen t' the best of us," he shrugged, "an' I was just impressed y' summoned a sword honestly."

"Thanks," she nodded, still looking sheepish.

"So uh... were you goin' somewhere, my Thane?" Argis asked awkwardly.

Ylvi perked up at that, wagging her tail as if to tell him 'yes.'

"I... was thinking of getting some more bounties from the Jarl," she nodded, "and maybe buy some more supplies..."

"Was just thinkin' we could use more meat," Argis nodded at the mention of supplies, but then the first thing she'd said suddenly registered. "Wait, Forsworn bounties?" He asked, his eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Y-yeah," Lyste replied, looking confused by his surprise. "Probably at least, the Jarl pays pretty well for clearing Forsworn camps."

"Yeah," Argis nodded, he knew that well.

"And uh..." she continued, looking nervous, "I've only ever had one other housecarl, and well, she pretty much does whatever she wants," she rambled a little uncertainly, "so I wasn't sure if— I mean, do you wanna just stay here or... maybe come with me?"

Argis's heart leapt. "I don't mind whatever y' need, my Thane," he said, trying not to sound over-eager, "but, won't lie, gettin' outta the city an' huntin' down some Forsworn sounds great," he admitted, and he couldn't help the slight grin forming on his face.

"Alright," Lyste nodded, looking relieved, "I... I'll pack some provisions and then go see what bounties the Jarl has."

"I'll make breakfast while you're out," Argis smiled.

"Alright," Lyste said again, looking excited as she got up and headed back to her room, presumably to pack.

Argis's grin widened as he watched her go.

Of course, he realized, this wasn't going to help him get her out of his head but at least he'd be out doing something again.

Ylvi got up as well then and plodded calmly over to him. She nosed his hand and gave it a gentle lick, startling Argis a little with how warm she was. Argis tentatively let his hand settle on the spectral animal's head, and when she seemed to simply look up at him fondly at that he actually pet her. She really did feel just like an actual dog— or wolf he supposed, if wolves were friendly...

Ylvi just wagged her tail at him and gave what sounded like a happy 'yip' before she suddenly disappeared in a gentle crackle of sparks.

Argis sighed. At least he knew Lyste's familiar trusted him... hopefully that boded well.

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