Sword Thief (8) Poking a Dragon

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Once he finished cleaning up, late the next morning, Vilkas dragged himself upstairs. Ysabyth was outside, working on her archery... Vilkas was surprised she didn't seem to have a hangover. He wondered if she'd actually been as drunk as he'd thought...
She glanced up as he came out and she scowled at him.
"What?" Vilkas raised his eyebrows questioningly in response as he walked out to the edge of the porch.
"I saw what you did to Farkas's eye," she replied in an accusing tone as she lowered her bow, "if you've got that much of a problem with me being friends with your brother, you could take it up with me."
"Oh?" Vilkas replied in mock surprise, "you're just friends with my brother? You two looked a little more than just friendly last night..."
She rolled her eyes. "I know he told you he was just trying to get a reaction out of you."
"He did..." Vilkas nodded. He stepped out to the yard where he could speak more quietly to her... "I'm curious just what kind of reaction you were hoping to get out of me," he said in a low tone.
He heard her pulse jump but she outwardly showed no reaction... he realized he'd been right; teasing her was definitely going to be fun...
"I honestly couldn't tell you," she grumbled, "it was Farkas's idea."
"I know it was Farkas's idea," Vilkas smirked, "but I want to know what would make you go along with such a scheme..."
Ysabyth swallowed, looking a little uncomfortable... "I don't know, maybe it was the alcohol," she grumbled. She grabbed another arrow, nocked it to her bow string, and turned back to face the target.
"Were you hoping I'd stomp across the hall and pull you away from him?" Vilkas smirked and stepped closer behind her as she took aim. "Take you in my arms," he suggested quietly, "hold you, and tell you how you impress me?"
Ysabyth released her arrow, completely missing the target and turned back to face him looking startled. She stepped back to create more distance between them and the look on her face reminded him of a cornered deer.
"Why in Oblivion would you think I'd want something like that?" Her brow furrowed at him, but he could hear her heart racing.
"Oh, I don't know," Vilkas smirked, "you're the Dragonborn, you saved Skyrim, you take care of everyone else... might be nice to have someone to hold you and take care of you?"
Her eyes went wide... "he didn't..." she mumbled, and her cheeks flushed an adorable shade of red. She looked angry now...
Then she suddenly turned, put her bow back on her back and stalked off toward the porch.
"Where are you going?" Vilkas chuckled as he chased after her.
"To black Farkas's other eye," she grumbled.
"Hold on," Vilkas laughed, but Ysabyth ignored him and kept walking. "Damn it woman, wait," he said, still laughing as he reached and caught her hand.
"What?" She snapped, turning back to him with an embarrassed looking glare as she wrenched her hand out of his.
"Calm down," he said, trying not to chuckle more, "Farkas didn't tell me anything, I..." Vilkas took a deep breath. The look on her face made him feel as though he'd just poked a dragon... he decided he should probably put the teasing on hold for a bit. "Forgive me..." he began seriously looking her in the eyes, "last night, I... may have been listening to... what you thought was a private conversation with Farkas..."
The angry glint in her lovely green eyes slowly shifted fully to a surprised and embarrassed expression... her blush darkened and he heard her pulse increase. By Ysmir, she was adorable...
"I know I shouldn't have," Vilkas continued earnestly, "but my curiosity got the better of me. Please, leave my brother out of this, he's not to blame."
She blinked at him uneasily and took a shaky breath... she was back to looking like a cornered animal again... "so you were listening when I said..."
"Aye," Vilkas smirked, "I heard everything." He took a step closer and reached for her hand but she pulled back.
"Well... I was drunk," she grumbled, refusing to meet his eyes, "so you shouldn't put too much stock in any of it."
"Unfortunate," Vilkas shrugged, still smirking, "I found what I heard to be... endearing, actually..."
"Like what?" She grumbled skeptically as she stepped past him, back to the yard.
"Like your memories of Sovengarde," Vilkas smiled, following her as she readied her bow again, "how you promised you were finished with thieving..."
She glanced back over her shoulder at him, still looking embarrassed and skeptical. "That part was true," she mumbled before taking aim again.
Vilkas just watched for a moment as she loosed her arrow and it flew to the center of the target.
"I'm also sorry that was what it took for me to hear you out on the matter," he told her genuinely as she nocked her next arrow.
He heard her heart jump again, but she seemed to be trying to ignore him. He watched her take aim and then her arrow embedded itself in the target right next to her last, and she grabbed another arrow.
"I would like to go back to sparring with you, if that's what you want," he said quietly.
Her next arrow hit the top of the target and she looked back at him in surprise. He gave her a small, sincere smile at that... and then barely resisted the urge to smirk as he heard her pulse jump more.
"I... I guess I wouldn't mind..." she nodded, "if you want a sparring partner again..."
"Aye," Vilkas smiled wider, "I'd also like to sit and swap a few stories, maybe have a few drinks..."
She swallowed nervously, but there was a small smile on her face now. "We... we could do that..." then her eyes got a bit of a mischievous glint to them as she smirked, "though I bet I've got more epic stories than you..."
Vilkas chuckled. "Farkas and I got up to our fair share of trouble as whelps," he shrugged, "but you probably do."

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