Green Bottles (2)

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"Farkas! Did you know there's such a thing as alcohol poisoning?!!"
"Did you know there's such a thing as knocking?"

Vilkas couldn't help but chuckle as he overheard his Harbinger hassling his brother across the hall while he packed for their journey. Farkas must have been really drunk the night before to be so blunt and irritable with her now, Vilkas thought.
A little of his excitement dimmed as Vilkas listened to them argue... their argument slowly came to the same conclusion as the one Vilkas had had with Lillia only a few minutes earlier. Vilkas realized he wouldn't be setting off with Lillia alone... Farkas was going with them... Farkas was to be cured as well...
Vilkas tried to force down the feelings of jealousy and disappointment that that stirred in him. He loved his brother, and truly, he was relieved Farkas would be getting cured along with him... he just... would have liked to travel with Lillia... alone...
Maybe he could do that another time, he told himself... maybe he could ask her to show him what a dragon fight was like... there were still a few of the beasts roaming about...
He wondered if Farkas would beat him to that too...
Vilkas sighed. He knew his brother adored their new Harbinger... he was starting to wonder, with a bit of dread, if said adoration was purely platonic any more. If it wasn't, Vilkas was sure he had no hope. Farkas had been her first shield-brother, the one to trust her with their secret, and the one to speak for her.
Vilkas meanwhile had taken practically until she became their Harbinger to actually realize what an amazing woman she was... he'd outright been an ass after Kodlak had died... and she'd still gone with him and watched his back while they avenged Kodlak.
And she still cared about him... enough to traipse all the way back to the frozen north end of Skyrim to help him...

Vilkas sighed again as he packed the last of his gear and headed upstairs.
Prior to that morning he'd been mostly ignoring his attraction to the Harbinger, but now he wasn't sure he could keep that up... ever since her admission that she cared about him... the way those words had made his heart jump before his more logical mind had a chance to realize what she actually meant...
Vilkas hoped that realization wouldn't get in the way of their working relationship...
As he sat down to get a bite to eat while he waited for Lillia to be ready, his mind went back to pondering why she'd been in his room...
He hadn't come up with anything logical by the time she arrived with Farkas not long behind her.
"Are you ready?" She asked with a smile.
"Aye," Vilkas nodded.
"Are you bringing your housecarl?" Farkas asked conversationally.
"I figured the two of you would be sufficient help for me to let Lydia have some time off," Lillia replied with a shrug.
"Mm," Farkas nodded but didn't say more. Vilkas thought he seemed like he might still be a little hungover.

The three of them set off without much further conversation and Vilkas spent most of the journey trying to focus on readying his soul to be rid of his beast blood... and trying not to let his mind linger on what he might have to admit were more than platonic feelings for the Harbinger...

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